Artigo - Atena Editora


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It is possible to observe that with each passing day, new technologies appear in the market at all times, mainly in automation projects, which use technology to perform tasks, most of the time, without human interference or presence. With the innovations, it was possible to create the multisensory cane called Canna, to make life easier for the visually impaired. To reduce the problem of people with little mobility or a disability, a cane was created where it is not necessary to apply effort, it uses distance sensors and vibracall so that it is possible to alert the user of possible obstacles, vibrating the cane. The project aims to identify obstacles and adequately guide visually impaired users on their desired paths, both indoors and outdoors, aiming to provide them with autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion. In addition to inspiring the construction of inclusive projects using new technologies. Initially it was created as a curricular activity in the classroom, however, with the participation of the authors in the Congress of Scientific Initiation of UNIFAI (CICFAI) and in the School of Innovators, promoted by the Inova team of Centro Paula Souza, there is the possibility of to become an undertaking, with the intention of creating an innovative product for the disabled, also aiming at publicizing it through future events, with the aim of obtaining sponsorships.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173242314076

  • Palavras-chave: accessibility, disabled, assistive technology, entrepreneurship, cane

  • Keywords: accessibility, disabled, assistive technology, entrepreneurship, cane

  • Abstract:

    It is possible to observe that with each passing day, new technologies appear in the market at all times, mainly in automation projects, which use technology to perform tasks, most of the time, without human interference or presence. With the innovations, it was possible to create the multisensory cane called Canna, to make life easier for the visually impaired. To reduce the problem of people with little mobility or a disability, a cane was created where it is not necessary to apply effort, it uses distance sensors and vibracall so that it is possible to alert the user of possible obstacles, vibrating the cane. The project aims to identify obstacles and adequately guide visually impaired users on their desired paths, both indoors and outdoors, aiming to provide them with autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion. In addition to inspiring the construction of inclusive projects using new technologies. Initially it was created as a curricular activity in the classroom, however, with the participation of the authors in the Congress of Scientific Initiation of UNIFAI (CICFAI) and in the School of Innovators, promoted by the Inova team of Centro Paula Souza, there is the possibility of to become an undertaking, with the intention of creating an innovative product for the disabled, also aiming at publicizing it through future events, with the aim of obtaining sponsorships.

  • Luís Gustavo Bonfim Ciaramicoli
  • Luana Goulart Sanches
  • Luis Guilherme damasco de almeida
  • Felipe Rafael Santos Soares
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