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Durkhein stated that Education is a social fact. This assertion is not surprising for the present, as the study of the historical dimension of education and its different theoretical-methodological approaches circulate widely in the academic field, provide subsidies for the planning of educational actions and public policies in this sector and are frequently disseminated. by the mainstream press. In the study of the historical context in which the slow and progressive constitution of the educational system took place, Durkhein was based on the observation that even in the simplest societies educational actions were instituted to transmit to children and young people their accumulated knowledge, norms, customs, group values ​​and histories. This gives this system a common – social – and essential character. Educational actions must not be understood in isolation from other social attitudes, since, despite the relative autonomy of each social system, they are always parts of a whole with which they are integrated in the pursuit of a common goal.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582342225101

  • Palavras-chave: Education. historical dimension.

  • Keywords: Education. historical dimension.

  • Abstract:

    Durkhein stated that Education is a social fact. This assertion is not surprising for the present, as the study of the historical dimension of education and its different theoretical-methodological approaches circulate widely in the academic field, provide subsidies for the planning of educational actions and public policies in this sector and are frequently disseminated. by the mainstream press. In the study of the historical context in which the slow and progressive constitution of the educational system took place, Durkhein was based on the observation that even in the simplest societies educational actions were instituted to transmit to children and young people their accumulated knowledge, norms, customs, group values ​​and histories. This gives this system a common – social – and essential character. Educational actions must not be understood in isolation from other social attitudes, since, despite the relative autonomy of each social system, they are always parts of a whole with which they are integrated in the pursuit of a common goal.

  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos
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