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Balloon born plataform devellopment to study low earth atmospheric experiments

Whenever it is intended to make measurements in space of any physical or chemical parameter, a platform is needed that allows hosting such experiments with all possibilities of support for carrying out the planned measurements. In addition, it stores the measurements on board and at each chosen time interval and sends them to a reception station on land. The same as the ground station send commands on board for possible changes in the on board electronics that you want to make. Also monitor the flight at least every instant of 10 seconds, having data from the balloon with GPS, data from the temperature outside the platform and inside it. Perform flight termination with order from the ground station for a balloon separation command and flight platform to parachute down. This development of this balloon flight platform will allow high school and university students to carry out technical and scientific experiments without worrying about this very important part of onboard and ground infrastructure. It is proposed in this work a simple low-cost proposal already with tests carried out on land showing good functioning.

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Balloon born plataform devellopment to study low earth atmospheric experiments

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172272223115

  • Palavras-chave: balloon, platform development, lower earth atmosphere, ionizing radiation, dosimeters, scintillators.

  • Keywords: balloon, platform development, lower earth atmosphere, ionizing radiation, dosimeters, scintillators.

  • Abstract:

    Whenever it is intended to make measurements in space of any physical or chemical parameter, a platform is needed that allows hosting such experiments with all possibilities of support for carrying out the planned measurements. In addition, it stores the measurements on board and at each chosen time interval and sends them to a reception station on land. The same as the ground station send commands on board for possible changes in the on board electronics that you want to make. Also monitor the flight at least every instant of 10 seconds, having data from the balloon with GPS, data from the temperature outside the platform and inside it. Perform flight termination with order from the ground station for a balloon separation command and flight platform to parachute down. This development of this balloon flight platform will allow high school and university students to carry out technical and scientific experiments without worrying about this very important part of onboard and ground infrastructure. It is proposed in this work a simple low-cost proposal already with tests carried out on land showing good functioning.

  • Inácio Malmonge Martin
  • Inacio Malmonge Martin
  • Joliver de Souza Lisboa Kozlowski
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