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This work narrates training practices developed by the authors, at `` Centro Municipal de Formação de Educadores de Sumaré`` / CEFEMS, state of São Paulo, especially with regard to the implementation of the evaluation of early childhood education in the education network, anchored in the National Quality Parameters for Early Childhood Education and in the Quality Indicators in Early Childhood Education, both from the Ministry of Education (MEC). The reported path covers the year 2022 and the actions linked to this proposition are in progress until the present moment. It is understood from this perspective that the quality of education is not measured by the results obtained by students in learning tests, but especially by the educational process experienced at school, which involves broader aspects of training for citizenship, integral development of the child, management and democratic participation, among others. Therefore, quality is a relative concept, based on values and, therefore, defining quality is a dynamic, continuous process, requires revisions and never reaches a definitive statement, as stated by Moss (1999). This perspective, in turn, lacks more participatory processes for defining and measuring the quality of education based on a flexible instrument - which here is called 'quality indicators' - to help the school community evaluate and improve quality. from school. These, among other questions, arise when thinking in depth about the concept of “quality of early childhood education”. The data collected in the assessments developed shed light on the aspects experienced in the education network, clarifying strong points and those that still need improvement. It must be noted that the exercise of democratic participation in this process of evaluating early childhood education was very relevant, leaving strong lessons and marks that will certainly yield new fruits, as we move forward in this network journey, in the search for improving the quality of education childish.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Assessment, Early Childhood Education, Quality Indicators, Democratic Participation

  • Keywords: Assessment, Early Childhood Education, Quality Indicators, Democratic Participation

  • Abstract:

    This work narrates training practices developed by the authors, at `` Centro Municipal de Formação de Educadores de Sumaré`` / CEFEMS, state of São Paulo, especially with regard to the implementation of the evaluation of early childhood education in the education network, anchored in the National Quality Parameters for Early Childhood Education and in the Quality Indicators in Early Childhood Education, both from the Ministry of Education (MEC). The reported path covers the year 2022 and the actions linked to this proposition are in progress until the present moment. It is understood from this perspective that the quality of education is not measured by the results obtained by students in learning tests, but especially by the educational process experienced at school, which involves broader aspects of training for citizenship, integral development of the child, management and democratic participation, among others. Therefore, quality is a relative concept, based on values and, therefore, defining quality is a dynamic, continuous process, requires revisions and never reaches a definitive statement, as stated by Moss (1999). This perspective, in turn, lacks more participatory processes for defining and measuring the quality of education based on a flexible instrument - which here is called 'quality indicators' - to help the school community evaluate and improve quality. from school. These, among other questions, arise when thinking in depth about the concept of “quality of early childhood education”. The data collected in the assessments developed shed light on the aspects experienced in the education network, clarifying strong points and those that still need improvement. It must be noted that the exercise of democratic participation in this process of evaluating early childhood education was very relevant, leaving strong lessons and marks that will certainly yield new fruits, as we move forward in this network journey, in the search for improving the quality of education childish.

  • Maria Sandra de Oliveira
  • Ana Benvinda C.S. Cosmo
  • Mirian Silva Gonçalves Freitas
  • Márcia Cristina Tognete Rocha
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