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Performance and intervention in psychology: Group attendance of children with school complaints

This experience report aims to present contributions of clinical practice in psychology. The intervention proposal was carried out at ``Espaço Clínica Ápice``. As a way of breaking with the traditional model, group care was proposed for children who were already in psychotherapy and who face school complaints. As a result, exchanges, reception and listening from colleagues and the psychologist are perceived. Finally, the results indicate that these procedures in clinical psychology are in accordance with the critical perspective in school psychology and allow the depathologization of school complaints.

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Performance and intervention in psychology: Group attendance of children with school complaints

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583172331053

  • Palavras-chave: School complaint, psychotherapy, group, psychoanalysis.

  • Keywords: School complaint, psychotherapy, group, psychoanalysis.

  • Abstract:

    This experience report aims to present contributions of clinical practice in psychology. The intervention proposal was carried out at ``Espaço Clínica Ápice``. As a way of breaking with the traditional model, group care was proposed for children who were already in psychotherapy and who face school complaints. As a result, exchanges, reception and listening from colleagues and the psychologist are perceived. Finally, the results indicate that these procedures in clinical psychology are in accordance with the critical perspective in school psychology and allow the depathologization of school complaints.

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