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Introduction: Cancer is a term that encompasses more than 100 different types of malignant diseases that have in common the disorderly growth of cells, which can invade adjacent tissues or organs from a distance. Dividing rapidly, these cells tend to be very aggressive and uncontrollable, leading to the formation of tumors that can spread to other regions of the body. Nursing in the performance of its profession is faced with patients with the most varied types of cancer, based on this finding, the need to write this chapter arose, in order to provide better assistance to these patients, as well as to their families. Objective: to describe the performance of the nurse who assists the patient with colorectal cancer during hospitalization. Methodology: Experience report on the performance of the nurse with a patient with colorectal cancer, in a clinical inpatient unit of a university hospital, in May 2022, located in Porto Alegre. Experience report: Patient is hospitalized in a clinical hospitalization unit for oncological treatment, anamnesis, physical examination is carried out, the presence or absence of a support network is verified, limitations for self-care, food acceptance, the prescribed drug therapy is managed and provided. care for intercurrences and medical request if necessary. Other teams may be requested (via system consultancy), according to the nurse's assessment. Conclusion: The importance of the role of the nurse in the hospitalization of the patient with cancer was evidenced, through the integral vision centered on the patient in all phases of the diagnosis, curative treatment or in the control of symptoms, carrying out tests and supporting the family. Care in oncology requires nurses not only to have knowledge of the disease itself, but also to be able to deal with the feelings of patients and their own emotions when dealing with the patient, with or without the possibility of a cure, seeking care each time. more humanized.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593562320075

  • Palavras-chave: Colorectal cancer; Patient; Assistance

  • Keywords: Colorectal cancer; Patient; Assistance

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Cancer is a term that encompasses more than 100 different types of malignant diseases that have in common the disorderly growth of cells, which can invade adjacent tissues or organs from a distance. Dividing rapidly, these cells tend to be very aggressive and uncontrollable, leading to the formation of tumors that can spread to other regions of the body. Nursing in the performance of its profession is faced with patients with the most varied types of cancer, based on this finding, the need to write this chapter arose, in order to provide better assistance to these patients, as well as to their families. Objective: to describe the performance of the nurse who assists the patient with colorectal cancer during hospitalization. Methodology: Experience report on the performance of the nurse with a patient with colorectal cancer, in a clinical inpatient unit of a university hospital, in May 2022, located in Porto Alegre. Experience report: Patient is hospitalized in a clinical hospitalization unit for oncological treatment, anamnesis, physical examination is carried out, the presence or absence of a support network is verified, limitations for self-care, food acceptance, the prescribed drug therapy is managed and provided. care for intercurrences and medical request if necessary. Other teams may be requested (via system consultancy), according to the nurse's assessment. Conclusion: The importance of the role of the nurse in the hospitalization of the patient with cancer was evidenced, through the integral vision centered on the patient in all phases of the diagnosis, curative treatment or in the control of symptoms, carrying out tests and supporting the family. Care in oncology requires nurses not only to have knowledge of the disease itself, but also to be able to deal with the feelings of patients and their own emotions when dealing with the patient, with or without the possibility of a cure, seeking care each time. more humanized.

  • Carla Walburga da Silva Braga
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