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The lifestyle of medical students has been observed because it can result in the contraction of cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary to understand that healthy habits decrease the risk of heart disease, and it is essential to monitor these students, observing the risk factors such as the diet, physical exercise practice and use of cigarettes, which can result in a change in quality of life. In this sense, the objective of this study was to compare groups of medical students from the basic cycle of ‘’Centro Universitário Estácio’’ in Ribeirão Preto during social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A literature-modified sedentary lifestyle test questionnaire was applied to students in the basic medical cycle at the Centro Universitário Estácio de Ribeirão Preto. The methodology is described as quantitative because it uses a sample of people, and is classified as non-experimental (no intervention). The results showed that isolation reduced the practice of physical activities and increased consumption of industrialized products. In a pandemic context, it was observed that the measures adopted by the medical students had a direct impact on the health of these individuals. Thus, the changes for a healthy routine that can improve the quality of life of students, the practice of physical exercises, proper nutrition and the habit of not smoking may reduce the risks of contracting cardiovascular diseases.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593192321035

  • Palavras-chave: students, cardiovascular disease, risk factors, health promotion

  • Keywords: students, cardiovascular disease, risk factors, health promotion

  • Abstract:

    The lifestyle of medical students has been observed because it can result in the contraction of cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary to understand that healthy habits decrease the risk of heart disease, and it is essential to monitor these students, observing the risk factors such as the diet, physical exercise practice and use of cigarettes, which can result in a change in quality of life. In this sense, the objective of this study was to compare groups of medical students from the basic cycle of ‘’Centro Universitário Estácio’’ in Ribeirão Preto during social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A literature-modified sedentary lifestyle test questionnaire was applied to students in the basic medical cycle at the Centro Universitário Estácio de Ribeirão Preto. The methodology is described as quantitative because it uses a sample of people, and is classified as non-experimental (no intervention). The results showed that isolation reduced the practice of physical activities and increased consumption of industrialized products. In a pandemic context, it was observed that the measures adopted by the medical students had a direct impact on the health of these individuals. Thus, the changes for a healthy routine that can improve the quality of life of students, the practice of physical exercises, proper nutrition and the habit of not smoking may reduce the risks of contracting cardiovascular diseases.

  • Carolina Maurin Martins Antunes
  • Analu Egydio dos Santos
  • Maria Carolina Aad Lopes Guirra
  • Flavio Guimarães Franco Filho
  • Mariana Roza dos Reis
  • Helena Miguel Deienno
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