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Pre-hospital care for people with Acute Coronary Syndrome in the central coastal region

Introduction and objectives: Globally, 12% of disability-adjusted years of life lost annually are attributable to ischemic coronary disease. Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or ischemia with approximately three-quarters representing ACS without ST elevation. The aim is to describe the care time for people with SCA in the central coastal region of Portugal.
Methods: Retrospective study, approved by the competent ethics committees. Thus, the convenience sample consisted of 188 individuals treated for chest pain with an average age of 67.53±14.71 years, 53.7% male, of which 26 were treated for ACS.
Results: It appears that there are no significant differences between the average time from activation to arrival at the ED with the days of the week, the shift and the municipality and type of ADE. Furthermore, it appears that there is a significant longer time in the average time from activation to arrival at the place of occurrence for distances equal to or greater than 10Km.
Conclusions: There are no significant differences between the average times depending on the day of the week, municipality and type of EAM. There was a significantly lower average between the average time from activation to arrival at the place of occurrence.

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Pre-hospital care for people with Acute Coronary Syndrome in the central coastal region

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Acute coronary syndrome; Critical care; Emergency Medical Services

  • Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome; Critical care; Emergency Medical Services

  • Abstract:

    Introduction and objectives: Globally, 12% of disability-adjusted years of life lost annually are attributable to ischemic coronary disease. Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or ischemia with approximately three-quarters representing ACS without ST elevation. The aim is to describe the care time for people with SCA in the central coastal region of Portugal.
    Methods: Retrospective study, approved by the competent ethics committees. Thus, the convenience sample consisted of 188 individuals treated for chest pain with an average age of 67.53±14.71 years, 53.7% male, of which 26 were treated for ACS.
    Results: It appears that there are no significant differences between the average time from activation to arrival at the ED with the days of the week, the shift and the municipality and type of ADE. Furthermore, it appears that there is a significant longer time in the average time from activation to arrival at the place of occurrence for distances equal to or greater than 10Km.
    Conclusions: There are no significant differences between the average times depending on the day of the week, municipality and type of EAM. There was a significantly lower average between the average time from activation to arrival at the place of occurrence.

  • Pedro Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro
  • Paulo Alexandre Ferreira
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