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INTRODUCTION: The secondary care is formed by specialized medical services both in outpatient and inpatient levels, with intermediate technological density between primary and tertiary care, interpreted as medium complexity procedures, with diagnostic and therapeutic support services and urgent and emergency care. In this sense, the government of Ceará has invested in strengthening the interiorization of health, with the construction of Regional Polyclinics. The state has 22 polyclinics that serve the five health regions with the objective of expanding and facilitating access to examinations and consultations with specialists. Considering the pediatric clinic, it is not part of the list of assistance specialties in the polyclinics, but more than half of the polyclinics (n=16) offer this type of consultation. It is noteworthy that pediatrics is the second specialty in Brazil in number of practicing professionals, as well as being of paramount importance for improving the health of our children. In view of the above, the objective was to know the reality of pediatric care offered by the Polyclinics of the East Coast/Jaguaribe Health Region. METHODS: Descriptive and quantitative research, of experience report type, carried out from the experience of health technicians of the Cell of Regulation, Evaluation and Monitoring (CERAM) of the Superintendence of the Region of the East Coast Jaguaribe (SRLES). The activities took place in the period from January 2021 to September 2022. The three polyclinics in the region and three CERAM technicians participated in this experiment. The IntegraSUS state platform and the Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimento de Saúde/CNES were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: The Litoral Leste/Jaguaribe Region has three polyclinics that operate under a consortium regime, offering specialized and quality care to the 20 municipalities in the region. Each consortium has a pediatrician with a workload of 20 hours per week. The Dr. José Hamilton Saraiva Barbosa Polyclinic, located in Aracati, was inaugurated in 2012, and is responsible for the care of four cities with an estimated population of 120,255 inhabitants. During the period analyzed, 23,714 consultations were performed, of which only 2.12% (n=505) were pediatric consultations. The Judite Chaves Saraiva Polyclinic, located in Limoeiro do Norte, in operation since 2013, serves 11 municipalities with an estimated population of 228,965 inhabitants, performed 25,946 consultations, of which 1,756 (6.76%) were in pediatrics. Finally, the Polyclinic Dr. José Martins de Santiago located in Russas, in operation since 2013, responsible for providing care to five cities, with an estimated population of 202,691 inhabitants, performed 36,865 consultations, of these 1,653 (4.48%) consultations in pediatrics. When comparing the three, it is observed that, despite having the same number of professionals with the same workload, the Aracati polyclinic was below the number of consultations provided, a fact that can be justified by the population. As also observed, the number of professionals does not meet the demand in the region. CONCLUSION: Pediatrics represents the initial direct contribution to the formation of a society where adults are healthy, productive and physically, socially and mentally balanced.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593202327034

  • Palavras-chave: Polyclinics.Pediatrics. Ceará. East Coast Jaguaribe.

  • Keywords: Polyclinics.Pediatrics. Ceará. East Coast Jaguaribe.

  • Abstract:

    INTRODUCTION: The secondary care is formed by specialized medical services both in outpatient and inpatient levels, with intermediate technological density between primary and tertiary care, interpreted as medium complexity procedures, with diagnostic and therapeutic support services and urgent and emergency care. In this sense, the government of Ceará has invested in strengthening the interiorization of health, with the construction of Regional Polyclinics. The state has 22 polyclinics that serve the five health regions with the objective of expanding and facilitating access to examinations and consultations with specialists. Considering the pediatric clinic, it is not part of the list of assistance specialties in the polyclinics, but more than half of the polyclinics (n=16) offer this type of consultation. It is noteworthy that pediatrics is the second specialty in Brazil in number of practicing professionals, as well as being of paramount importance for improving the health of our children. In view of the above, the objective was to know the reality of pediatric care offered by the Polyclinics of the East Coast/Jaguaribe Health Region. METHODS: Descriptive and quantitative research, of experience report type, carried out from the experience of health technicians of the Cell of Regulation, Evaluation and Monitoring (CERAM) of the Superintendence of the Region of the East Coast Jaguaribe (SRLES). The activities took place in the period from January 2021 to September 2022. The three polyclinics in the region and three CERAM technicians participated in this experiment. The IntegraSUS state platform and the Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimento de Saúde/CNES were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: The Litoral Leste/Jaguaribe Region has three polyclinics that operate under a consortium regime, offering specialized and quality care to the 20 municipalities in the region. Each consortium has a pediatrician with a workload of 20 hours per week. The Dr. José Hamilton Saraiva Barbosa Polyclinic, located in Aracati, was inaugurated in 2012, and is responsible for the care of four cities with an estimated population of 120,255 inhabitants. During the period analyzed, 23,714 consultations were performed, of which only 2.12% (n=505) were pediatric consultations. The Judite Chaves Saraiva Polyclinic, located in Limoeiro do Norte, in operation since 2013, serves 11 municipalities with an estimated population of 228,965 inhabitants, performed 25,946 consultations, of which 1,756 (6.76%) were in pediatrics. Finally, the Polyclinic Dr. José Martins de Santiago located in Russas, in operation since 2013, responsible for providing care to five cities, with an estimated population of 202,691 inhabitants, performed 36,865 consultations, of these 1,653 (4.48%) consultations in pediatrics. When comparing the three, it is observed that, despite having the same number of professionals with the same workload, the Aracati polyclinic was below the number of consultations provided, a fact that can be justified by the population. As also observed, the number of professionals does not meet the demand in the region. CONCLUSION: Pediatrics represents the initial direct contribution to the formation of a society where adults are healthy, productive and physically, socially and mentally balanced.

  • Chiara Lubich Medeiros de Figueiredo
  • Joana D'arck da Silva Maurício
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