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Physiotherapeutic Assistance to the Newborn in the Obstetric Center. A Literature Review

The physiotherapist plays an active role in the early identification of possible disorders occurring during the perinatal period, being essential for these professionals to recognize and identify the clinical manifestations and characteristics that determine the vitality of the NB. However, there is a large gap between theoretical knowledge and practical conduct on the part of health professionals. Thus, this literature review has as its object of study a bibliographical survey, on the immediate assistance to the NB and the main practices used by the professional physiotherapist when there are complications in the transition from the intrauterine to the extrauterine environment. A bibliographical survey of articles published between the years 2000 and 2016 was carried out, using the Online databases. To obtain the results, the articles were synthesized in order to provide better visualization of the data. The information obtained is a general guideline for physiotherapists and health professionals for neonatal conduct in the delivery room. Each service must adapt them to its infrastructure and human resources conditions.

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Physiotherapeutic Assistance to the Newborn in the Obstetric Center. A Literature Review

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593372329052

  • Palavras-chave: newborn, premature, care, resuscitation, neonatology.

  • Keywords: newborn, premature, care, resuscitation, neonatology.

  • Abstract:

    The physiotherapist plays an active role in the early identification of possible disorders occurring during the perinatal period, being essential for these professionals to recognize and identify the clinical manifestations and characteristics that determine the vitality of the NB. However, there is a large gap between theoretical knowledge and practical conduct on the part of health professionals. Thus, this literature review has as its object of study a bibliographical survey, on the immediate assistance to the NB and the main practices used by the professional physiotherapist when there are complications in the transition from the intrauterine to the extrauterine environment. A bibliographical survey of articles published between the years 2000 and 2016 was carried out, using the Online databases. To obtain the results, the articles were synthesized in order to provide better visualization of the data. The information obtained is a general guideline for physiotherapists and health professionals for neonatal conduct in the delivery room. Each service must adapt them to its infrastructure and human resources conditions.

  • Andressa Camargo e Silva
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