Blood and blood product transfusion is a procedure that has been practiced by the medical community with great frequency. This procedure is defined as the introduction of blood components into an individual's circulatory system. It is a practice considered safe, due to the high technology applied to blood bag screening. However, no patient is exempt from the risk of being affected by reactions in the pre-, trans- and post-transfusion process. Therefore, it is extremely important that the healthcare team has the knowledge to promptly identify the signs and symptoms characteristic of an acute transfusion reaction, and the ability to intervene immediately in the transfusion procedure in order to minimize the damage caused to the patient. This work aims to identify the occurrence of acute transfusion reactions and the main care in health care provided in the event of this occurrence. This is a bibliographical research through original articles, reviews, published editorials, books and attention notebooks, starting in July 2023. Through the study we were able to identify that acute transfusion reactions occur in general, due to errors in identification of the blood sample, administration of a blood unit to the wrong patient and poor conservation of blood bags. It is of fundamental importance that when transfusion reactions occur, nursing professionals have the knowledge and professional ability to recognize the specific signs and symptoms of reactions and that the entire team has the competence to act promptly in such a situation.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593952316112
Palavras-chave: 1. Nursing Care 2. Acute Transfusion Reaction, 3. Blood Transfusion
Keywords: 1. Nursing Care 2. Acute Transfusion Reaction, 3. Blood Transfusion
Blood and blood product transfusion is a procedure that has been practiced by the medical community with great frequency. This procedure is defined as the introduction of blood components into an individual's circulatory system. It is a practice considered safe, due to the high technology applied to blood bag screening. However, no patient is exempt from the risk of being affected by reactions in the pre-, trans- and post-transfusion process. Therefore, it is extremely important that the healthcare team has the knowledge to promptly identify the signs and symptoms characteristic of an acute transfusion reaction, and the ability to intervene immediately in the transfusion procedure in order to minimize the damage caused to the patient. This work aims to identify the occurrence of acute transfusion reactions and the main care in health care provided in the event of this occurrence. This is a bibliographical research through original articles, reviews, published editorials, books and attention notebooks, starting in July 2023. Through the study we were able to identify that acute transfusion reactions occur in general, due to errors in identification of the blood sample, administration of a blood unit to the wrong patient and poor conservation of blood bags. It is of fundamental importance that when transfusion reactions occur, nursing professionals have the knowledge and professional ability to recognize the specific signs and symptoms of reactions and that the entire team has the competence to act promptly in such a situation.
- Andressa kelly de santos lima
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