Artigo - Atena Editora


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Goal: The aim of the study was to describe perioperative nursing care in relation to patient safety, through an integrative review. Method. To carry out the research, the databases of the Virtual Health Library were used, in the period of scientific production from 2017 to 2022. The review was carried out from January to June 2022. To survey the guiding question, used the PICO strategy. It was adopted as inclusion and exclusion criteria for articles whether or not they responded to the guiding question. Results. In view of the results researched in the articles, the importance of professionals in improving knowledge in the face of new protocols is noted. Conclusion. The results of this study show the importance of using the checklist in the Surgical Center, in order to provide greater safety to the patient in the anesthetic-surgical procedure, at all times that involve the pre, trans and postoperative periods.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592572223092

  • Palavras-chave: Perioperative nursing; Patient safety; Surgery Center.

  • Keywords: Perioperative nursing; Patient safety; Surgery Center.

  • Abstract:

    Goal: The aim of the study was to describe perioperative nursing care in relation to patient safety, through an integrative review. Method. To carry out the research, the databases of the Virtual Health Library were used, in the period of scientific production from 2017 to 2022. The review was carried out from January to June 2022. To survey the guiding question, used the PICO strategy. It was adopted as inclusion and exclusion criteria for articles whether or not they responded to the guiding question. Results. In view of the results researched in the articles, the importance of professionals in improving knowledge in the face of new protocols is noted. Conclusion. The results of this study show the importance of using the checklist in the Surgical Center, in order to provide greater safety to the patient in the anesthetic-surgical procedure, at all times that involve the pre, trans and postoperative periods.

  • Felipe Teclo Moreira
  • Damaris Antoniole Asoo Coelho
  • Taine Lorrayne Siqueira de Brito
  • Marcia Cristina Nobukuni
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