Artigo - Atena Editora


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Fibromyalgia's etiology is still uncertain, therefore, it is a disease with a subjective diagnosis, as it includes a large number of symptoms with multifactorial origin. Therefore, this article sought to investigate how psychology is related to psychopathological aspects such as depression, anxiety and stress and how it contributes to the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia. The method used was a bibliographic review, in which data were collected through the Virtual Health Library – VHL, Google Scholar, Pepsic and Scielo databases, using the keywords Fibromyalgia, Psychopathological Aspects, Anxiety as descriptors; Stress and Depression; which had as inclusion criteria: scientific articles indexed in at least one search site, originally written in Portuguese and English. After reading the titles and summaries of the documents initially found, 44 articles were identified and selected that met the objective of our research. The results demonstrated the extreme importance of having a multidisciplinary approach when there are associated psychiatric symptoms because it can intensify existing symptoms or lead to more symptoms. We also observed that when patients undergo psychological treatment, their emotional and relational levels tend to stabilize, resulting in a reduction in physical pain.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Fibromyalgia, Psychopathological Aspects, Anxiety; Stress and Depression.

  • Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Psychopathological Aspects, Anxiety; Stress and Depression.

  • Abstract:

    Fibromyalgia's etiology is still uncertain, therefore, it is a disease with a subjective diagnosis, as it includes a large number of symptoms with multifactorial origin. Therefore, this article sought to investigate how psychology is related to psychopathological aspects such as depression, anxiety and stress and how it contributes to the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia. The method used was a bibliographic review, in which data were collected through the Virtual Health Library – VHL, Google Scholar, Pepsic and Scielo databases, using the keywords Fibromyalgia, Psychopathological Aspects, Anxiety as descriptors; Stress and Depression; which had as inclusion criteria: scientific articles indexed in at least one search site, originally written in Portuguese and English. After reading the titles and summaries of the documents initially found, 44 articles were identified and selected that met the objective of our research. The results demonstrated the extreme importance of having a multidisciplinary approach when there are associated psychiatric symptoms because it can intensify existing symptoms or lead to more symptoms. We also observed that when patients undergo psychological treatment, their emotional and relational levels tend to stabilize, resulting in a reduction in physical pain.

  • Alessandra Corrêa
  • Gislaine Terleski Michelc
  • Luciane Kellen Puerari Pauli
  • Luiz Alfredo Braun Ferreira
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