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THE SOCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC SQUARE AND SOCIETY: a social study about the Praça das Mães in the city of Catalão (GO)

The purpose of this article is to analyze the social relations that exist between the public square and society using ``Praça das Mães`` located in the city of Catalão (GO) as a reference. The urban public square contributes with great social functions, and one of them is that the population can live in society, that is, it contributes to the well-being and physical, mental and social health of the population. ``Praça das Mães`` is a public space of great importance for the city, as it is located in front of Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Catalão (GO) this space plays a fundamental and essential role for the population that frequents it both for its space around it. around. One of the social functions that this public space can offer to the benefit of the population is the feeling of belonging in the urban environment.

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THE SOCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC SQUARE AND SOCIETY: a social study about the Praça das Mães in the city of Catalão (GO)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583222317072

  • Palavras-chave: ``Praça das mães``; Social relationships; Society.

  • Keywords: ``Praça das mães``; Social relationships; Society.

  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the social relations that exist between the public square and society using ``Praça das Mães`` located in the city of Catalão (GO) as a reference. The urban public square contributes with great social functions, and one of them is that the population can live in society, that is, it contributes to the well-being and physical, mental and social health of the population. ``Praça das Mães`` is a public space of great importance for the city, as it is located in front of Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Catalão (GO) this space plays a fundamental and essential role for the population that frequents it both for its space around it. around. One of the social functions that this public space can offer to the benefit of the population is the feeling of belonging in the urban environment.

  • Douriedson Nunes de Oliveira Junior
  • Keroleinny Kariny da Rocha Reis
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