Artigo - Atena Editora


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Biodiversity deals with the diversity of life in all existing ecosystems, performing important functions, and its loss can affect the maintenance of ecosystems and all forms of life. The Amazon is considered the center of biodiversity, having a quarter of the terrestrial species on the planet. In the year 2019, the number of fires increased significantly in the Amazon ecosystem, being the third year with the greatest focus recorded, some compromising actions for the loss of this ecosystem have also been deforestation and illegal hunting. The advancement of technologies has greatly facilitated information and problem solving, in this sense the hypothesis is that technologies such as Artificial Intelligence can help identify abnormalities in the Amazon and thus propose actions for its conservation. The present work had as data collection researches in the bibliography and digital media. For the development of the work, weekly meetings were held virtually where our doubts and advances were shared, at each meeting we evaluated the progress of the project and discussed the texts we were researching. To better represent the Amazonian biodiversity, four models were made, one for the Amazon ecosystem, one for fires, one for deforestation and finally one of planet Earth. Using digital technologies, different applications were listed, ranging from the identification of abnormalities to actions for the conservation of the Amazonian ecosystem.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.813352305063

  • Palavras-chave: Amazon, Biodiversity, Conservation, Intelligence.

  • Keywords: Amazon, Biodiversity, Conservation, Intelligence.

  • Abstract:

    Biodiversity deals with the diversity of life in all existing ecosystems, performing important functions, and its loss can affect the maintenance of ecosystems and all forms of life. The Amazon is considered the center of biodiversity, having a quarter of the terrestrial species on the planet. In the year 2019, the number of fires increased significantly in the Amazon ecosystem, being the third year with the greatest focus recorded, some compromising actions for the loss of this ecosystem have also been deforestation and illegal hunting. The advancement of technologies has greatly facilitated information and problem solving, in this sense the hypothesis is that technologies such as Artificial Intelligence can help identify abnormalities in the Amazon and thus propose actions for its conservation. The present work had as data collection researches in the bibliography and digital media. For the development of the work, weekly meetings were held virtually where our doubts and advances were shared, at each meeting we evaluated the progress of the project and discussed the texts we were researching. To better represent the Amazonian biodiversity, four models were made, one for the Amazon ecosystem, one for fires, one for deforestation and finally one of planet Earth. Using digital technologies, different applications were listed, ranging from the identification of abnormalities to actions for the conservation of the Amazonian ecosystem.

  • Mariana Vedovato Zuffi
  • Giovana Cunha Sales Veríssimo
  • Taynara Altair Ribeiro Bernardes
  • Ariane de Souza Siqueira
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