Arquitectura para el desarrollo de Tutoriales Inteligentes en el Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco del Tecnológico Nacional de México
Arquitectura para el desarrollo de Tutoriales Inteligentes en el Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco del Tecnológico Nacional de México
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173282323086
Palavras-chave: Tutoriales inteligentes, Objetos de Aprendizaje, Estilos de Aprendizaje, Aprendizaje experiencial.
Keywords: Intelligent Tutorials, Learning Objects, Learning Styles, Experiential Learning.
Abstract: When developing an intelligent tutorial, two types of experts need to be modeled: the subject matter expert and the teaching expert. Additionally, a proposed architecture for the development of intelligent tutorials involves creating a knowledge base for the subject matter, which consists of a repository of Learning Objects, each containing various units of minimum knowledge for a particular topic. These Learning Objects are designed with instructional structures, and they are associated with the appropriate strategy based on the student's profile, determined by their learning style
- José Antonio Cruz Zamora
- Blanca Estela Pedroza Méndez
- Nicolás Alonzo Gutiérrez
- Daniel Cerón Grajales
- Hugo Mario Ramírez Vázquez
- Víctor Hugo García Ilhuicatzi
- Josué Saúl Castillo Hernández