Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: This research is focused on the methodological strategy "storytelling" with a view to contributions to the acquisition of the English language and the development of children's vocabulary. General objective: To investigate whether children's literature, through storytelling, works as a facilitator in the teaching of the English language. In order to respond to this objective, storytelling workshops in English were held in April 2016. Specific objectives: Select children's literature books that present significant content for learning English. Apply, in the classroom, the methodological strategy of storytelling in English. To analyze whether there was development of children's vocabulary through storytelling workshops based on children's literary works. Methodological aspects: The public responding to this research are students from a private bilingual school, which uses various methods to introduce the English language in a playful and natural way, including children's literature. The survey is divided into two phases, the first of which sought to raise the profile of the respondent public: age, sex, grade, etc. The second phase is to apply reading workshops in the classroom, using storytelling, with the aim of analyzing the development of children in relation to the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language, through storytelling in the target language.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929332330032

  • Palavras-chave: Children's Literature, Storytelling, English Language.

  • Keywords: Children's Literature, Storytelling, English Language.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: This research is focused on the methodological strategy "storytelling" with a view to contributions to the acquisition of the English language and the development of children's vocabulary. General objective: To investigate whether children's literature, through storytelling, works as a facilitator in the teaching of the English language. In order to respond to this objective, storytelling workshops in English were held in April 2016. Specific objectives: Select children's literature books that present significant content for learning English. Apply, in the classroom, the methodological strategy of storytelling in English. To analyze whether there was development of children's vocabulary through storytelling workshops based on children's literary works. Methodological aspects: The public responding to this research are students from a private bilingual school, which uses various methods to introduce the English language in a playful and natural way, including children's literature. The survey is divided into two phases, the first of which sought to raise the profile of the respondent public: age, sex, grade, etc. The second phase is to apply reading workshops in the classroom, using storytelling, with the aim of analyzing the development of children in relation to the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language, through storytelling in the target language.

  • Samara Fernandes dos Santos
  • Samia dos Santos Fernandes
  • Marcely Mendes de Souza
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