Artigo - Atena Editora


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The article originates from a concern about the creative process, portraying a theoretical and practical reflection[i]. This article takes as its theme the work of two modern intellectuals who worked in different professional fields and aims to investigate the construction of interdisciplinary connections between architecture and other areas. This way, it touches on themes from literature, history, geography, philosophy and sociology. The focus of the analysis are two exemplary works: the novel: ``Grande Sertão Veredas`` (João Guimarães Rosa, 1956) and the ``Igreja do Espírito Santo do Cerrado`` in Minas Gerais (Lina Bo Bardi with collaboration of André Vainer and Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz, 1976). The first will be mediated by re-reading the texts of “Grande sertã``: romance of formation in Brazil” (BOLLE, 2004) and “O super-realismo de Guimarães Rosa`` (CANDIDO, 2006). The second will be based on rereadings of Lina Bo Bardi's texts published in the first five editions of Habitat magazine (1950-1951) and on her thesis “Propedeutic Contribution to the Teaching of Architecture Theory” (Bardi, 1957). The research that has been carried out aims to build a comparative methodological analysis, outlined from the tripod: Lina, Rosa and the issue of the “vernacular” in modern art and architecture.


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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929352303072

  • Palavras-chave: Architecture, Vernacular, Lina, Rosa, Veredas.

  • Keywords: Architecture, Vernacular, Lina, Rosa, Veredas.

  • Abstract:

    The article originates from a concern about the creative process, portraying a theoretical and practical reflection[i]. This article takes as its theme the work of two modern intellectuals who worked in different professional fields and aims to investigate the construction of interdisciplinary connections between architecture and other areas. This way, it touches on themes from literature, history, geography, philosophy and sociology. The focus of the analysis are two exemplary works: the novel: ``Grande Sertão Veredas`` (João Guimarães Rosa, 1956) and the ``Igreja do Espírito Santo do Cerrado`` in Minas Gerais (Lina Bo Bardi with collaboration of André Vainer and Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz, 1976). The first will be mediated by re-reading the texts of “Grande sertã``: romance of formation in Brazil” (BOLLE, 2004) and “O super-realismo de Guimarães Rosa`` (CANDIDO, 2006). The second will be based on rereadings of Lina Bo Bardi's texts published in the first five editions of Habitat magazine (1950-1951) and on her thesis “Propedeutic Contribution to the Teaching of Architecture Theory” (Bardi, 1957). The research that has been carried out aims to build a comparative methodological analysis, outlined from the tripod: Lina, Rosa and the issue of the “vernacular” in modern art and architecture.


  • Stephany Altruda
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