Artigo - Atena Editora


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In view of the scenario of food insecurity that has been going on for many years and aggravated by the current economic situation in Brazil, the number of people affected by insecurity has increased considerably.
The present work was carried out based on 1067 interviewees, which corresponds to approximately 0.0023% of the estimated population for the State of São Paulo, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, and shows that the number of people who are concerned with verifying labeling data, as well as with correctly arranging food in the refrigerator. It also shows that most people believe that it is expensive to have a healthy diet and that few make full use of food, even though the number of respondents who claim to have an aversion to the consumption of parts such as stalks, leaves, seeds and bark is small.
The research makes clear the public's lack of knowledge about the possibilities of using all parts of food, showing how much it lacks information and even public policies that lead to the best use of all foods from the producer to the final consumer, being the latter our target audience.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159342302015

  • Palavras-chave: food insecurity; full use; final costumer; hunger.

  • Keywords: food insecurity; full use; final costumer; hunger.

  • Abstract:

    In view of the scenario of food insecurity that has been going on for many years and aggravated by the current economic situation in Brazil, the number of people affected by insecurity has increased considerably.
    The present work was carried out based on 1067 interviewees, which corresponds to approximately 0.0023% of the estimated population for the State of São Paulo, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, and shows that the number of people who are concerned with verifying labeling data, as well as with correctly arranging food in the refrigerator. It also shows that most people believe that it is expensive to have a healthy diet and that few make full use of food, even though the number of respondents who claim to have an aversion to the consumption of parts such as stalks, leaves, seeds and bark is small.
    The research makes clear the public's lack of knowledge about the possibilities of using all parts of food, showing how much it lacks information and even public policies that lead to the best use of all foods from the producer to the final consumer, being the latter our target audience.

  • Tatiana Santos Pacheco
  • Solange Alves de Almeida
  • Beatriz Pimenta Cayoni Leite
  • Scarlet dos Santos Francisco
  • Cláudia Leonor Cabral
  • Cínthia Sueli Xavier de Abreu
  • Priscila de Mello Gabarron
  • Antonia Helena Gomes de Souza
  • Vanessa Vitória Coelho Santos
  • Cristina Terezinha da Silva Vergino
  • Acácio Silva Barros
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