Artigo - Atena Editora


Baixe agora


Comprehensive use of Agave salmiana

Agave salmiana as a maguey for the production of pulque in colonial times, represented a highly relevant source of income in Mexico, especially in the central region, however, due to the instability of its physical and chemical properties, the conservation and cultivation of this plant has been negatively impacted, which has caused an ecological impact increasing soil erosion. Despite this, some studies have shown that bioactive compounds such as saponins, agavins, antioxidants, among others, have multiple benefits for the health of the consumer, which represents an alternative for the use of the different sections of the agave such as leaves, stems, stems, flowers and mead that has aroused the interest of the government and the population to intensify the cultivation of agaves. Some trends are the application of state-of-the-art technologies for efficient performance and obtaining other components with potential use as functional ingredients in the food and even pharmaceutical industry.

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Comprehensive use of Agave salmiana

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733162305109

  • Palavras-chave: Maguey, Agave, Pulque, Gualumbos, Aguamiel

  • Keywords: Maguey, Agave, Pulque, Gualumbos, Aguamiel

  • Abstract:

    Agave salmiana as a maguey for the production of pulque in colonial times, represented a highly relevant source of income in Mexico, especially in the central region, however, due to the instability of its physical and chemical properties, the conservation and cultivation of this plant has been negatively impacted, which has caused an ecological impact increasing soil erosion. Despite this, some studies have shown that bioactive compounds such as saponins, agavins, antioxidants, among others, have multiple benefits for the health of the consumer, which represents an alternative for the use of the different sections of the agave such as leaves, stems, stems, flowers and mead that has aroused the interest of the government and the population to intensify the cultivation of agaves. Some trends are the application of state-of-the-art technologies for efficient performance and obtaining other components with potential use as functional ingredients in the food and even pharmaceutical industry.

  • Mendoza Mendoza B.S
  • Velazquez-De Lucio B.
  • María del Rosario Romero López
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