Artigo - Atena Editora


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The article presents the synthesis of a project developed in first-year high school classes by teachers of the Mathematics subject linked to the Physical Education subject, which aims to demonstrate that interdisciplinarity in the teaching-learning process in Mathematics favors assimilation and contextualization of the concepts studied.
Throughout the project's application period, we sought to rescue the interdisciplinarity proposal from the resumption and expansion of concepts through the use of data collected during the development of activities provided in the Physical Education discipline.
As a result, it became visible that the exchange of information and ideas between teachers and students provided significant learning within the context studied and possible re-application in other contexts.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.55834123031110

  • Palavras-chave: Mathematics. Interdisciplinarity. Meaningful learning.

  • Keywords: Mathematics. Interdisciplinarity. Meaningful learning.

  • Abstract:

    The article presents the synthesis of a project developed in first-year high school classes by teachers of the Mathematics subject linked to the Physical Education subject, which aims to demonstrate that interdisciplinarity in the teaching-learning process in Mathematics favors assimilation and contextualization of the concepts studied.
    Throughout the project's application period, we sought to rescue the interdisciplinarity proposal from the resumption and expansion of concepts through the use of data collected during the development of activities provided in the Physical Education discipline.
    As a result, it became visible that the exchange of information and ideas between teachers and students provided significant learning within the context studied and possible re-application in other contexts.

  • Adriane Wentz Hammarstron Soares
  • Ingelburg Maria Weth
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