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Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in basic education: A literature review.

This article aims to present a systematic review of a survey of scientific productions on "Problem-Based Learning - PBL" and its use for education with a focus on Basic Education. We analyzed studies published from 2010 to 2023, in the thematic area: human sciences and education in English, Portuguese and Spanish, in four databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO, Google Scholar, Capes Periodicals and ERIC. The following descriptors were used: "Active Methodology", "Problem Based Learning", "Problem Based Learning" AND "Elementary Education", "Active Methodology AND Problem Based Learning" and "Problem Based Learning" AND "Elementary Education". The scope of this review included 209 articles from the SciElo database, 55 from Google Scholar, 12 from Capes Periódicos and 45 from ERIC. These numbers of productions show little representativeness after going through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the latter being research that does not include Basic Education and research published in journals that are not in the field of education. This review shows in numbers the need to have scientific productions in Portuguese and with a focus on Basic Education on this methodology, which has been adhered to by education professionals due to its benefits for an innovative education and fostering skills necessary for the adult life of the student.

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Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in basic education: A literature review.

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Problem-based learning; active methodologies; basic education; liberating education; critical-reflective citizen.

  • Keywords: Problem-based learning; active methodologies; basic education; liberating education; critical-reflective citizen.

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to present a systematic review of a survey of scientific productions on "Problem-Based Learning - PBL" and its use for education with a focus on Basic Education. We analyzed studies published from 2010 to 2023, in the thematic area: human sciences and education in English, Portuguese and Spanish, in four databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO, Google Scholar, Capes Periodicals and ERIC. The following descriptors were used: "Active Methodology", "Problem Based Learning", "Problem Based Learning" AND "Elementary Education", "Active Methodology AND Problem Based Learning" and "Problem Based Learning" AND "Elementary Education". The scope of this review included 209 articles from the SciElo database, 55 from Google Scholar, 12 from Capes Periódicos and 45 from ERIC. These numbers of productions show little representativeness after going through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the latter being research that does not include Basic Education and research published in journals that are not in the field of education. This review shows in numbers the need to have scientific productions in Portuguese and with a focus on Basic Education on this methodology, which has been adhered to by education professionals due to its benefits for an innovative education and fostering skills necessary for the adult life of the student.

  • Thiago Barbosa Silva
  • Sonia Maria Chaves Haracemiv
  • Ana Maria Soek
  • Dulce Dirclair Huf Bais
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