Artigo - Atena Editora


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The article shown corresponds to the analysis and study of chaotic warehouses applied to a practical case. It corresponds to the result of an investigation carried out in a multi-product warehouse of an automotive industry supplier. The objective was to establish the rules of distribution and placement of the products using a tool according to the problem. Once the investigation was completed, a reduction in downtime per hour/week was obtained in two of the initial processes. The storage and location allocation policies propose a system for optimal use of spaces in said area, to avoid implications that affect the management and flow of materials. It is worth mentioning that the proposed system can be applied in warehouses that have size and/or space restrictions in the storage area, as well as different brands, production characteristics and physical specifications for which establishing warehouses under the traditional management concept Allocation without slack leads to material losses, parts without registration, use of storage areas with non-corresponding material, inventory errors, etc.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173362325102

  • Palavras-chave: Multi products, randomness, warehouse.

  • Keywords: Multi products, randomness, warehouse.

  • Abstract:

    The article shown corresponds to the analysis and study of chaotic warehouses applied to a practical case. It corresponds to the result of an investigation carried out in a multi-product warehouse of an automotive industry supplier. The objective was to establish the rules of distribution and placement of the products using a tool according to the problem. Once the investigation was completed, a reduction in downtime per hour/week was obtained in two of the initial processes. The storage and location allocation policies propose a system for optimal use of spaces in said area, to avoid implications that affect the management and flow of materials. It is worth mentioning that the proposed system can be applied in warehouses that have size and/or space restrictions in the storage area, as well as different brands, production characteristics and physical specifications for which establishing warehouses under the traditional management concept Allocation without slack leads to material losses, parts without registration, use of storage areas with non-corresponding material, inventory errors, etc.

  • Laura Martínez Hernández
  • Carlos Alfonso Paz Molina
  • María Cristina Martínez Orencio
  • Roberto Rosales Barrales
  • César Roberto Vázquez Trujillo
  • Manuel Panzi Utrera
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