Ozone gas (O3), discovered in the 19th century, has already been widely used in human medicine and is beginning to gain ground in veterinary medicine. New complementary techniques are gaining space and attention, among them is the use of ozone therapy, which consists of using ozone gas for medicinal purposes, as it has oxidizing power, with bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties. Ozone is capable of enhancing healing action, thus accelerating the resolution of various wounds, it also acts as an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Ozone is formed by three atoms of oxygen, being an unstable, colorless gas with a characteristic odor. It is found in the stratosphere and for medicinal use it is produced artificially by generators. It is not considered a treatment free of contraindications and adverse effects, but when used in a way that respects its concentrations and routes of application individually for each patient, it is safe and non-toxic. However, it is important to emphasize that ozone therapy must not be
the main treatment, but together with the conventional treatment, knowing that only a trained and qualified professional must perform it. This review will present the main therapeutic properties of ozone, its benefits and applicability already
described in veterinary medicine.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973362327044
Palavras-chave: Ozone. Ozone therapy. Adjuvant. Clinic.
Keywords: Ozone. Ozone therapy. Adjuvant. Clinic.
Ozone gas (O3), discovered in the 19th century, has already been widely used in human medicine and is beginning to gain ground in veterinary medicine. New complementary techniques are gaining space and attention, among them is the use of ozone therapy, which consists of using ozone gas for medicinal purposes, as it has oxidizing power, with bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties. Ozone is capable of enhancing healing action, thus accelerating the resolution of various wounds, it also acts as an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Ozone is formed by three atoms of oxygen, being an unstable, colorless gas with a characteristic odor. It is found in the stratosphere and for medicinal use it is produced artificially by generators. It is not considered a treatment free of contraindications and adverse effects, but when used in a way that respects its concentrations and routes of application individually for each patient, it is safe and non-toxic. However, it is important to emphasize that ozone therapy must not be
the main treatment, but together with the conventional treatment, knowing that only a trained and qualified professional must perform it. This review will present the main therapeutic properties of ozone, its benefits and applicability already
described in veterinary medicine.
- Paula Antonia Oliveira
- Paula Cambraia Marinho Magalhães