Artigo - Atena Editora


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Propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) is a non-barbiturate, hypnotic general anesthetic that is very practical to use. As an advantage, propofol is a suitable medication for short-term procedures and for anesthetic induction and maintenance. It is possible to administer this drug in repeated doses or continuous infusion, as the residual effect of the drug is minimal. Animals with liver and kidney dysfunction and pregnant females undergoing cesarean section can be safely anesthetized. This medication is highly indicated to replace inhalational anesthesia, as there is no need to purchase equipment and reduces environmental pollution in the anesthetic room. As a disadvantage, propofol is a high-cost drug, intravenous administration is mandatory, it can cause hypotension and is a respiratory depressant, therefore animals with heart disease and hypotension must be carefully anesthetized with this medication, in addition, it can cause pain during administration. injection, myoclonic contraction and muscle movement. Due to these factors and because it is a non-analgesic agent, the use of pre-anesthetic medication such as tranquilizers, sedatives and opioids can minimize some adverse effects. In this work, the objective was to carry out a bibliographic review through books, articles from scientific journals, dissertations and theses on the use of propofol anesthetic in dogs.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733122304085

  • Palavras-chave: Anesthetic. Canine. Diisopropylphenol. drug.

  • Keywords: Anesthetic. Canine. Diisopropylphenol. drug.

  • Abstract:

    Propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) is a non-barbiturate, hypnotic general anesthetic that is very practical to use. As an advantage, propofol is a suitable medication for short-term procedures and for anesthetic induction and maintenance. It is possible to administer this drug in repeated doses or continuous infusion, as the residual effect of the drug is minimal. Animals with liver and kidney dysfunction and pregnant females undergoing cesarean section can be safely anesthetized. This medication is highly indicated to replace inhalational anesthesia, as there is no need to purchase equipment and reduces environmental pollution in the anesthetic room. As a disadvantage, propofol is a high-cost drug, intravenous administration is mandatory, it can cause hypotension and is a respiratory depressant, therefore animals with heart disease and hypotension must be carefully anesthetized with this medication, in addition, it can cause pain during administration. injection, myoclonic contraction and muscle movement. Due to these factors and because it is a non-analgesic agent, the use of pre-anesthetic medication such as tranquilizers, sedatives and opioids can minimize some adverse effects. In this work, the objective was to carry out a bibliographic review through books, articles from scientific journals, dissertations and theses on the use of propofol anesthetic in dogs.

  • Laura Ver Goltz
  • Lara Lanius
  • Camile Vitória Silva Barreto
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