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Analysis of the Applicability of Design of Experiments in the Financial Market: Systematic Literature Review

The financial market, specifically the stock market, is a sector that suffers from the uncertainty factor and the constant economic instabilities of countries, where it would be ideal to use a tool that assists in the analysis of different probabilities and scenarios and that makes -if possible, introduce variables and situations that could or could not materialize, greatly facilitating the decision to invest or not. One of the experiment analyses tools that has become popular among managers is the Design of Experiments, which can be implemented in the development and optimization of systems, processes and products, however it is underused in the financial area. The general objective of this work is to identify as many areas as possible in which the Design of Experiments is being applied. And specifically, that of synthesizing the works published in the last 10 years, listing by region, language and authors, highlighting the most relevant scientific articles based on the volume of citations and discussing the applicability of the DOE exclusively in the financial market. As a methodology, the Systematic Literature Review (RS) was chosen, through bibliometric analysis. It is hoped that this work can bring another tool to financial professionals to help analyze risks and trace probabilities, increasing its use.

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Analysis of the Applicability of Design of Experiments in the Financial Market: Systematic Literature Review

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172162225071

  • Palavras-chave: Design of Experiments; Applicability; Innovation management; Probability Analysis; Financial market.

  • Keywords: Design of Experiments; Applicability; Innovation management; Probability Analysis; Financial market.

  • Abstract:

    The financial market, specifically the stock market, is a sector that suffers from the uncertainty factor and the constant economic instabilities of countries, where it would be ideal to use a tool that assists in the analysis of different probabilities and scenarios and that makes -if possible, introduce variables and situations that could or could not materialize, greatly facilitating the decision to invest or not. One of the experiment analyses tools that has become popular among managers is the Design of Experiments, which can be implemented in the development and optimization of systems, processes and products, however it is underused in the financial area. The general objective of this work is to identify as many areas as possible in which the Design of Experiments is being applied. And specifically, that of synthesizing the works published in the last 10 years, listing by region, language and authors, highlighting the most relevant scientific articles based on the volume of citations and discussing the applicability of the DOE exclusively in the financial market. As a methodology, the Systematic Literature Review (RS) was chosen, through bibliometric analysis. It is hoped that this work can bring another tool to financial professionals to help analyze risks and trace probabilities, increasing its use.

  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Rafael Munhoz Cardoso
  • Rosinei Batista Ribeiro
  • Érik Leonel Luciano
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