Complementary Analysis of the Impact of Teacher Training Courses at the TecNM Campus Pachuca
The impact of teacher training in the I.E.S. It is essential to know the way in which the competences acquired by teachers are being exercised and take them to the classroom to verify that what has been learned is reflected, therefore, it is necessary to know the impact through an effective method, which consists of the teacher evaluation carried out by the student in different areas such as Didactic Instrumentation, Motivation, ICT Mastery, Professional Competences and Evaluation. With the analysis of the data from 2021 and 2022, it is sought to find improvement relationships between training periods and to know that with this the statistical analysis with different variables that allow verifying the numerical impact on participating teachers, comparison between men and women, include range of ages and have averages according to the variables used and described in the process of the present investigation, which will serve as a basis to know improvements that will be concerted through statistics that can be considered as a basis to verify the real impact of the teacher's performance in the classroom after having been trained, and if he is really generating changes in his daily work of this laudable work, to later impact the educational model, teaching-learning strategies, forms of evaluation and inclusion of ICT in the educational process and course management.
Complementary Analysis of the Impact of Teacher Training Courses at the TecNM Campus Pachuca
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173252324073
Palavras-chave: Impact of Training, Teacher training, evaluation, competencies, evaluation.
Keywords: Impact of Training, Teacher training, evaluation, competencies, evaluation.
The impact of teacher training in the I.E.S. It is essential to know the way in which the competences acquired by teachers are being exercised and take them to the classroom to verify that what has been learned is reflected, therefore, it is necessary to know the impact through an effective method, which consists of the teacher evaluation carried out by the student in different areas such as Didactic Instrumentation, Motivation, ICT Mastery, Professional Competences and Evaluation. With the analysis of the data from 2021 and 2022, it is sought to find improvement relationships between training periods and to know that with this the statistical analysis with different variables that allow verifying the numerical impact on participating teachers, comparison between men and women, include range of ages and have averages according to the variables used and described in the process of the present investigation, which will serve as a basis to know improvements that will be concerted through statistics that can be considered as a basis to verify the real impact of the teacher's performance in the classroom after having been trained, and if he is really generating changes in his daily work of this laudable work, to later impact the educational model, teaching-learning strategies, forms of evaluation and inclusion of ICT in the educational process and course management.
- Salvador Martínez Pagola
- Felipe Verde Arteaga
- Tania Ofelia López Zerón
- Eric León Olivares
- Angélica Enciso González
- Luis Mendoza Austria
- Saúl Isui Lugo Martínez