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Prostate cancer is a condition of significant public health relevance, being the most common cancer among men in the world and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in Brazil, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. This disease is characterized by slow growth and tends to be diagnosed predominantly in the seventh decade of life. Prostate cancer screening allows for early diagnosis and reduced mortality; however, it has limitations that may end up leading to unnecessary biopsies. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health does not recommend routine screening, emphasizing the importance of informing men about the pros and cons of tests before taking them. Given this scenario, it is understood that, to seek means of prevention and early control of prostate cancer in men over 65 years of age, the epidemiological analysis of deaths becomes essential. The study aims to analyze deaths in the last 15 years from prostate cancer in men between 70 and 79 years old. This is a quantitative study. The data used were obtained through the Information System of the Unified Health System (SIH/SUS), of the Ministry of Health. For the analysis, a specific database was created in an electronic spreadsheet with the number of deaths over 15 years due to cancer prostate cancer in men aged between 70 and 79 years, during the period from 2008 to 2022. From the data, it is observed that in 2008 the number of deaths from prostate cancer was 527, in 2012 the number increased to 783, reaching 1,025 deaths in 2016. There was a constant increase until 2019, with an upward trend that culminated in 1,248 deaths in that same year. However, in 2020, there was a notable reduction to 1,070 deaths. In 2021, the number of deaths increased again, reaching 1,180 and reaching 1,294 in 2022. It is clear that during this period there were significant variations in the number of deaths due to prostate cancer in this age group, with notable increases in some years and drops in others. It is concluded that the epidemiological analysis of deaths from prostate cancer in men aged 70-79 years revealed an increase over the 15 years. The increase in the mortality rate is related to factors such as improved case documentation and lifestyle, such as physical inactivity, obesity and eating habits. This upward trend in recent years highlights the continued importance of early detection and effective treatment of this cancer. However, we must not forget the vital role of prevention. Education and awareness about prostate health, adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity, and the promotion of preventive exams are crucial measures for the early diagnosis of this cancer and, consequently, reducing the number of deaths tumor-related.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Prostate Neoplasms. Death. Epidemiology.

  • Keywords: Prostate Neoplasms. Death. Epidemiology.

  • Abstract:

    Prostate cancer is a condition of significant public health relevance, being the most common cancer among men in the world and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in Brazil, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. This disease is characterized by slow growth and tends to be diagnosed predominantly in the seventh decade of life. Prostate cancer screening allows for early diagnosis and reduced mortality; however, it has limitations that may end up leading to unnecessary biopsies. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health does not recommend routine screening, emphasizing the importance of informing men about the pros and cons of tests before taking them. Given this scenario, it is understood that, to seek means of prevention and early control of prostate cancer in men over 65 years of age, the epidemiological analysis of deaths becomes essential. The study aims to analyze deaths in the last 15 years from prostate cancer in men between 70 and 79 years old. This is a quantitative study. The data used were obtained through the Information System of the Unified Health System (SIH/SUS), of the Ministry of Health. For the analysis, a specific database was created in an electronic spreadsheet with the number of deaths over 15 years due to cancer prostate cancer in men aged between 70 and 79 years, during the period from 2008 to 2022. From the data, it is observed that in 2008 the number of deaths from prostate cancer was 527, in 2012 the number increased to 783, reaching 1,025 deaths in 2016. There was a constant increase until 2019, with an upward trend that culminated in 1,248 deaths in that same year. However, in 2020, there was a notable reduction to 1,070 deaths. In 2021, the number of deaths increased again, reaching 1,180 and reaching 1,294 in 2022. It is clear that during this period there were significant variations in the number of deaths due to prostate cancer in this age group, with notable increases in some years and drops in others. It is concluded that the epidemiological analysis of deaths from prostate cancer in men aged 70-79 years revealed an increase over the 15 years. The increase in the mortality rate is related to factors such as improved case documentation and lifestyle, such as physical inactivity, obesity and eating habits. This upward trend in recent years highlights the continued importance of early detection and effective treatment of this cancer. However, we must not forget the vital role of prevention. Education and awareness about prostate health, adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity, and the promotion of preventive exams are crucial measures for the early diagnosis of this cancer and, consequently, reducing the number of deaths tumor-related.

  • Vitória Cornelio Borges Fortes
  • Gabriela Uberti
  • Gabriel Jardim de Vargas
  • Alice Santos Melo da Silva
  • Manoela Guimarães Alves da Silva
  • Maria Lívia Eckert
  • Carlos Teodósio da Ros
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