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Thyroid disorders are common in patients with Down syndrome, which can lead to significant impacts on the quality of life and cognitive development of these patients. Studies report a prevalence of 15-30% of thyroid disorders in patients with Down syndrome. Diagnosis of thyroid disorders in patients with Down syndrome is done using blood tests to measure levels of thyroid hormones and TSH. In addition, clinical evaluation is important to identify possible signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, such as fatigue, weight gain or loss, intolerance to cold or heat, among others. To screen for thyroid disorders in patients with Down syndrome, the American Down Syndrome Society and the European Society recommend regular blood tests from birth and iodine prophylaxis to prevent thyroid dysfunction. The screening protocol must be individualized for each patient, taking into consideration, the factors such as age, family history and exposure to environmental risk factors. Treatment of hypothyroidism in patients with Down syndrome involves replacing thyroid hormones using medications such as levothyroxine. Furthermore, the adoption of non-pharmacological measures, such as diet and physical exercise, can help control the disease. The treatment of hyperthyroidism may involve the use of medications, such as propylthiouracil or methimazole, and, in more severe cases, treatment with radioactive iodine or surgery.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593352311054

  • Palavras-chave: Down syndrome, thyroid disorders, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism

  • Keywords: Down syndrome, thyroid disorders, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism

  • Abstract:

    Thyroid disorders are common in patients with Down syndrome, which can lead to significant impacts on the quality of life and cognitive development of these patients. Studies report a prevalence of 15-30% of thyroid disorders in patients with Down syndrome. Diagnosis of thyroid disorders in patients with Down syndrome is done using blood tests to measure levels of thyroid hormones and TSH. In addition, clinical evaluation is important to identify possible signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, such as fatigue, weight gain or loss, intolerance to cold or heat, among others. To screen for thyroid disorders in patients with Down syndrome, the American Down Syndrome Society and the European Society recommend regular blood tests from birth and iodine prophylaxis to prevent thyroid dysfunction. The screening protocol must be individualized for each patient, taking into consideration, the factors such as age, family history and exposure to environmental risk factors. Treatment of hypothyroidism in patients with Down syndrome involves replacing thyroid hormones using medications such as levothyroxine. Furthermore, the adoption of non-pharmacological measures, such as diet and physical exercise, can help control the disease. The treatment of hyperthyroidism may involve the use of medications, such as propylthiouracil or methimazole, and, in more severe cases, treatment with radioactive iodine or surgery.

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