Artigo - Atena Editora


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Analysis of the current protocol for screening and early diagnosis of acyanogenic congenital heart disease in pediatrics

Taking care of an infant with congenital cardiac disease is one of the greatest challenge for the public health care in Brazil, with an incidence that is high, between 1 to 8 per 1000 newborns alive and a being the third cause of death among the newborns in the country. Having this in mind, the Health Ministry established a national program of assistance for child with congenital cardiac disease. The aim of this program was to provide integration of the assistance for children with this problem in the public health service. The late diagnosis of this kind of disease entails a necessity of more monetary expenses for the national health system and has impact in the morbidity and mortality.The aim of this research was to evaluate the procedures for identify non-cyanotic congenital cardiac disease among newborns e infants in Sorocaba Hospital Center and compare with the procedures gave by the National Program for congenital cardiac disease with highlight in the timing that the diagnostic was made, before the birth, during the neonatal period or after the neonatal period. The research was made after the authorization gave by the Ethical committee and was performed by the analyzes of medical records selected based the inclusion and exclusion criteria with the aim of understanding how the diagnostic of congenital cardiac disease was made and comparing with the national directives. 60 medicals records were analyzed and in most cases (72%) the diagnosis was made in neonatal period and before birth. This is relevant since the early diagnosis is associated with less mortality, but the rate of late diagnosis still is high. The pediatric care for infants with congenital cardiac disease demands resource and infrastructure and this can be a challenge for centers with poor resources. This is an important point of improvement to be achieved within all levels of the health care system.

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Analysis of the current protocol for screening and early diagnosis of acyanogenic congenital heart disease in pediatrics

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593502307073

  • Palavras-chave: heart disease, diagnosis, analysis

  • Keywords: heart disease, diagnosis, analysis

  • Abstract:

    Taking care of an infant with congenital cardiac disease is one of the greatest challenge for the public health care in Brazil, with an incidence that is high,  between 1 to 8 per 1000 newborns alive and a being the third cause of death among the newborns in the country. Having this in mind, the Health Ministry established a national program of assistance for child with congenital cardiac disease. The aim of this program was to provide integration of the assistance for children with this problem in the public health service. The late diagnosis of this kind of disease entails a necessity of more monetary expenses for the national health system and has impact in the morbidity and mortality.The aim of this research was to evaluate the procedures for identify non-cyanotic congenital cardiac disease among newborns e infants in Sorocaba Hospital Center and compare with the procedures gave by the National Program for congenital cardiac disease with highlight in the timing that the diagnostic was made, before the birth, during the neonatal period or after the neonatal period. The research was made after the authorization gave by the Ethical committee and was performed by the analyzes of medical records selected based the inclusion and exclusion criteria with the aim of understanding how the diagnostic of congenital cardiac disease was made and comparing with the national directives. 60 medicals records were analyzed and in most cases (72%) the diagnosis was made in neonatal period and before birth. This is relevant since the early diagnosis is associated with less mortality, but the rate of late diagnosis still is high. The pediatric care for infants with congenital cardiac disease demands resource and infrastructure and this can be a challenge for centers with poor resources. This is an important point of improvement to be achieved within all levels of the health care system.

  • Rodrigo Crespo Barreiros
  • Mariana Laís Barbosa de Queiroz Fonseca
  • Thaíssa das Eiras Caminada
  • Izilda das Eiras Tamega
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