Artigo - Atena Editora


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Analysis of total, thermotolerant and Salmonella spp. in artisanal cheeses with the ARTE Seal sold in Ribeirão Preto – SP

Artisanal cheese is seen as an important source of income and is sold throughout the country. It is a handmade product with raw milk, therefore, a vehicle for microorganisms of food origin. However, it was only in June 2018 that Law 13,680 was published, which created the Art Seal for products of animal origin produced by hand to be marketed nationally.

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Analysis of total, thermotolerant and Salmonella spp. in artisanal cheeses with the ARTE Seal sold in Ribeirão Preto – SP

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973322310024

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    Artisanal cheese is seen as an important source of income and is sold throughout the country. It is a handmade product with raw milk, therefore, a vehicle for microorganisms of food origin. However, it was only in June 2018 that Law 13,680 was published, which created the Art Seal for products of animal origin produced by hand to be marketed nationally.

  • Fernanda Thomazim Donegá
  • Luciano Menezes Ferreira
  • Laila Larissa de Mello
  • Guilherme Muniz Delomo
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