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Analysis of drug interactions and their implications for laboratory test results

Drug interactions represent a significant challenge in clinical practice, as they can influence therapeutic efficacy and patient safety. In addition, these interactions can lead to changes in the results of laboratory tests, compromising the correct interpretation of these tests and the making of appropriate clinical decisions. The consequences of drug interactions on laboratory tests vary widely, as some drugs can cause increases or decreases in test results, while others can interfere with the analytical methods used. This work highlighted the importance of laboratory tests in the health area, as well as incorrect or misleading information reported by patients that lead to wrong diagnoses.

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Analysis of drug interactions and their implications for laboratory test results

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593512307075

  • Palavras-chave: Drug interference, laboratory tests and biomarkers.

  • Keywords: Drug interference, laboratory tests and biomarkers.

  • Abstract:

    Drug interactions represent a significant challenge in clinical practice, as they can influence therapeutic efficacy and patient safety. In addition, these interactions can lead to changes in the results of laboratory tests, compromising the correct interpretation of these tests and the making of appropriate clinical decisions. The consequences of drug interactions on laboratory tests vary widely, as some drugs can cause increases or decreases in test results, while others can interfere with the analytical methods used. This work highlighted the importance of laboratory tests in the health area, as well as incorrect or misleading information reported by patients that lead to wrong diagnoses.

  • Gustavo Fernando Adriano dos Santos
  • Luciano Lobo Gatti
  • Gabriel Vitor da Silva Pinto
  • Douglas Fernandes da Silva
  • Roberto Venerando
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