Alternative and complementary treatment of cancer with phytotherapy and phytocannabinoids in Ecuador: A case review.
Alternative and complementary treatment of cancer with phytotherapy and phytocannabinoids in Ecuador: A case review.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929342311057
Palavras-chave: -
Keywords: Oncology, Alternative Therapies, Phytotherapy, Cannabis, Mycology, TCM (Traditional, Complementary Medicine), CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine).
According to the international agency for research on cancer (IARC), Cancer is the
first cause of death worldwide, in 2020 almost 10 million deaths were attributed to this
disease. (1)
Oncological diseases are positioned in a global health crisis, raising the interest of using
various complementary alternative practices and integrating in the health systems in
Latin America.
The World Health Organization, through the resolution of the World Health Assembly
on traditional medicine (WHA62.13), recognizes the different practices of
complementary alternative medicine as a strategy to reduce the current problems
suffered by health care systems.(3)
Health professionals have generally expressed positive opinions when Complementary
and Alternative Medicine is used 'complementarily' and not as an 'alternative'. The
results published so far have shown that CAM can contribute to improving the quality
of life of cancer patients and their general well-being. (2)
This cases review tries to demonstrate the importance of the integration and scientific
development of the various practices of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
where the various natural compounds such as phytocannabinoids, fungus, mineral and
other native and ancestral elements become very valuable therapeutic targets to
treatment different types of illness. Alternative and Complementary Medicine is helping
to reduce the health care crisis that we are currently living in Ecuador and this kind of
therapies can increase quality of life, well-being and help alleviate the pain of patients
also when they die.
- Julio Vicencio Naturopath