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The subproject of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation - PIBID/CAPES da UEMG/Barbacena of the Pedagogy course made possible the contact between the future teacher with the locus of his work, the school, preparing him for the reality of public education and its diversities. Thus, specifically on the aforementioned subproject, we aimed to work with inclusive education, expanding the pillars of training of active scholarship holders. This way, the activities were implemented in four municipal schools in Barbacena/MG, where initially the diagnoses were carried out and the elaboration of the profiles of the students who were assisted through didactic-pedagogical interventions, emphasizing literacy and mathematical knowledge through the ludic, using concrete materials and educational games. Therefore, we offer pedagogical alternatives that meet the educational needs of the children served, respecting the specificities of each student, valuing their potential and applying the assumptions of inclusive education. We emphasize that the interventions developed at the school contributed to the learning process and inclusion of the students served and, therefore, we bring here some reflections. In this work, this way, we seek to present the pedagogical practices carried out by us in order to show the importance of PIBID's relationship in initial training with Education and with school inclusion. Therefore, the subproject provided the scholarship holders with the articulation between theory and practice, fundamental for the training of teachers. Finally, it is possible, through PIBID, to (re)think curricular internships, curricula, as well as inclusive school practices and teacher training that must or should contextualize the theories with the aforementioned practices carried out in school institutions.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558332309012

  • Palavras-chave: Pibid. Initial formation. Pedagogical practices. Education. Inclusive education.

  • Keywords: Pibid. Initial formation. Pedagogical practices. Education. Inclusive education.

  • Abstract:

    The subproject of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation - PIBID/CAPES da UEMG/Barbacena of the Pedagogy course made possible the contact between the future teacher with the locus of his work, the school, preparing him for the reality of public education and its diversities. Thus, specifically on the aforementioned subproject, we aimed to work with inclusive education, expanding the pillars of training of active scholarship holders. This way, the activities were implemented in four municipal schools in Barbacena/MG, where initially the diagnoses were carried out and the elaboration of the profiles of the students who were assisted through didactic-pedagogical interventions, emphasizing literacy and mathematical knowledge through the ludic, using concrete materials and educational games. Therefore, we offer pedagogical alternatives that meet the educational needs of the children served, respecting the specificities of each student, valuing their potential and applying the assumptions of inclusive education. We emphasize that the interventions developed at the school contributed to the learning process and inclusion of the students served and, therefore, we bring here some reflections. In this work, this way, we seek to present the pedagogical practices carried out by us in order to show the importance of PIBID's relationship in initial training with Education and with school inclusion. Therefore, the subproject provided the scholarship holders with the articulation between theory and practice, fundamental for the training of teachers. Finally, it is possible, through PIBID, to (re)think curricular internships, curricula, as well as inclusive school practices and teacher training that must or should contextualize the theories with the aforementioned practices carried out in school institutions.

  • Daniela Fantoni de Lima Alexandrino
  • Cíntia Lúcia de Lima
  • José Alexandrino Filho
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