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When migrating from face-to-face education to remote education during the COVID 19 pandemic, did we have access to a computer, internet, and electricity service?

La aparición de la Contingencia sanitaria del SARS-CoV-2, más conocido como la pandemia del COVID-19, provocó
el cierre temporal de los centros educativos en México y la adopción de un modelo de clases vía remota, este trabajo trata de indagar
el acceso que tuvieron a internet, computadoras (celulares o tabletas) y servicio de energía eléctrica, docentes y dos grupos de
alumnos de ingeniería química uno que cursaba el primer semestre y el otro cuarto semestre de la carrera cuando inicio la
contingencia sanitaria y con ella el confinamiento para alumnos y docentes. El trabajo se realizó con estudiantes (20 de primer
semestre y 16 del cuarto semestre)) y docentes (17 de primer semestre y 9 del cuarto semestre) de una institución del sureste de
México, de nivel socio-económico medio, a los cuales se les aplico una encuesta. Los resultados evidencian que, a pesar de
ser de nivel socio económico medio, la mayoría de los maestros y los alumnos no tuvieron problema para acceder a
una computadora, a una conexión de internet y a servicio de energía eléctrica.

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When migrating from face-to-face education to remote education during the COVID 19 pandemic, did we have access to a computer, internet, and electricity service?

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173102330038

  • Palavras-chave: COVID 19, computadora, internet, Servicio de energía eléctrica

  • Keywords: COVID 19, computer, internet, electric power service

  • Abstract:

    The appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 health contingency, better known as the COVID-19 pandemic, caused the temporary closure of educational centers in Mexico and the adoption of a remote class model, this work tries to investigate the access they had to the internet, computers (cell phones or tablets) and electricity service, teachers and two groups of chemical engineering students, one who was in the first semester and the other in the fourth semester of the degree when the health contingency began and with it the confinement for students and teachers. The work was carried out with students (20 from the first semester and 16 from the fourth semester)) and teachers (17 from the first semester and 9 from the fourth semester) from an institution in the southeast of Mexico, of medium socio-economic level, who were I apply a survey. The results show that, despite being of a medium socioeconomic level, the majority of teachers and students had no problem accessing a computer, an internet connection and electricity service.

  • María Elisa Espinosa Valdés
  • Martha Ramírez López
  • Rosa Alor Francisco
  • Evangelina Rojas Rauda
  • Julieta del Carmen Villalobos Espinosa
  • Mario Alberto Roman Rojas
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