Artigo - Atena Editora


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In this article, I am interested in reflecting on contemporary anthropological debates and methodologies regarding the materialities and immaterialities present in the spaces of African-based religions and how ethnographic practice is also challenged by the needs of the interlocutors participating in this attempted exercise. Strategies such as collaborative/shared anthropology, forms of production of narratives and speeches, resistance and resilience exercises on the part of communities, collaborative management, as a repair mechanism, among others. In a nutshell, anthropology has long debated the hermeneutics of different archives to understand the ways in which they communicate. That the colonial archive is based on violence is well known by those who study the materialities of the African diaspora and slavery systems in the Americas. Drawing on my fieldwork in the anthropology of Afro-religiosities in communities of Afro-descendants in the extreme south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Rio Grande and São José do Norte), I also intend to discuss how I have studied these materialities in order to make them communicate and narrate living stories, based on the present. Stories that still contribute to the anti-racist fight.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Collaborative Anthropology; Ethnography; Afro religiosities; Materialities; Immaterialities.

  • Keywords: Collaborative Anthropology; Ethnography; Afro religiosities; Materialities; Immaterialities.

  • Abstract:

    In this article, I am interested in reflecting on contemporary anthropological debates and methodologies regarding the materialities and immaterialities present in the spaces of African-based religions and how ethnographic practice is also challenged by the needs of the interlocutors participating in this attempted exercise. Strategies such as collaborative/shared anthropology, forms of production of narratives and speeches, resistance and resilience exercises on the part of communities, collaborative management, as a repair mechanism, among others. In a nutshell, anthropology has long debated the hermeneutics of different archives to understand the ways in which they communicate. That the colonial archive is based on violence is well known by those who study the materialities of the African diaspora and slavery systems in the Americas. Drawing on my fieldwork in the anthropology of Afro-religiosities in communities of Afro-descendants in the extreme south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Rio Grande and São José do Norte), I also intend to discuss how I have studied these materialities in order to make them communicate and narrate living stories, based on the present. Stories that still contribute to the anti-racist fight.

  • Ana Paula Lima Silveira
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