Artigo - Atena Editora


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Covid-19 emerged in December 2019 in China, where it spread across the world, quickly becoming a pandemic that affected countless sectors, the entire population had to adapt to this new reality, among them professionals in the area of health workers had to redouble in several to meet the needs of hospitals and provide assistance to all those infected, spending most of the day inside their workplaces. The objective of this study was to seek reports from health professionals who had to act on the front line in the fight against the virus and were infected, and to observe the cutaneous manifestations after the disease had affected. For data collection, a questionnaire consisting of 20 closed and open questions was applied about possible skin conditions in health professionals in São Luís-MA after Covid-19, The objective of this work was to identify through research the possible causes of these changes in the skin. In view of the data obtained, we observed the appearance of acne, reddish spots, itching and flaking, the manifestations occurred in different periods, several factors may have triggered these conditions, among them are the prolonged use of PPE's, frequent hand washing, associated with medication use and psychological symptoms due to extreme pressure within hospital environments.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593252303049

  • Palavras-chave: skin disorders; Covid-19; epi's.

  • Keywords: skin disorders; Covid-19; epi's.

  • Abstract:

    Covid-19 emerged in December 2019 in China, where it spread across the world, quickly becoming a pandemic that affected countless sectors, the entire population had to adapt to this new reality, among them professionals in the area of health workers had to redouble in several to meet the needs of hospitals and provide assistance to all those infected, spending most of the day inside their workplaces. The objective of this study was to seek reports from health professionals who had to act on the front line in the fight against the virus and were infected, and to observe the cutaneous manifestations after the disease had affected. For data collection, a questionnaire consisting of 20 closed and open questions was applied about possible skin conditions in health professionals in São Luís-MA after Covid-19, The objective of this work was to identify through research the possible causes of these changes in the skin. In view of the data obtained, we observed the appearance of acne, reddish spots, itching and flaking, the manifestations occurred in different periods, several factors may have triggered these conditions, among them are the prolonged use of PPE's, frequent hand washing, associated with medication use and psychological symptoms due to extreme pressure within hospital environments.

  • maryangela godinho pereira bena
  • Julia de Aguiar Baldez Sousa
  • Klecia de Sousa Marques da Silva
  • Alanildes Silva Bena
  • Mirian Tereza Holanda Cavalcanti de Andrade Belfort Gomes
  • Maria Tereza Martins Silva
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