Artigo - Atena Editora


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From the study of tattoos and piercings in adolescence, the following questions arise: What information do adolescents have before making a decision to get a tattoo or piercing? What do parents of teenagers know about the subject? Is there a difference between the generation of parents and children with respect to the information they have? This project aims to: assess how much adolescents aged 12 to 17 living in Ciudad de la Costa know about some aspects of tattoos and piercings, especially their risks. This way, the health of adolescents in our environment can be promoted, informing about those contents of the subject in which there is greater ignorance. A web page was designed with a link to access the voluntary surveys, using a Google form for the adolescent and parent populations. So far it has been found that the surveys carried out leave figures that show the great lack of knowledge that adolescents have on this subject. Likewise, favorable results are seen in the surveys carried out on parents residing in Ciudad de la Costa who have children in the age range between 12 and 17 years old but they still lack a lot of information.  

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173362325108

  • Palavras-chave: adolescence, tattoos, piercings

  • Keywords: adolescence, tattoos, piercings

  • Abstract:

    From the study of tattoos and piercings in adolescence, the following questions arise: What information do adolescents have before making a decision to get a tattoo or piercing? What do parents of teenagers know about the subject? Is there a difference between the generation of parents and children with respect to the information they have? This project aims to: assess how much adolescents aged 12 to 17 living in Ciudad de la Costa know about some aspects of tattoos and piercings, especially their risks. This way, the health of adolescents in our environment can be promoted, informing about those contents of the subject in which there is greater ignorance. A web page was designed with a link to access the voluntary surveys, using a Google form for the adolescent and parent populations. So far it has been found that the surveys carried out leave figures that show the great lack of knowledge that adolescents have on this subject. Likewise, favorable results are seen in the surveys carried out on parents residing in Ciudad de la Costa who have children in the age range between 12 and 17 years old but they still lack a lot of information.  

  • Muñoz Cassarino, Corina
  • Puig Urcion, Luka
  • Cabrera Nieto, Emilia
  • Perrone Casaña, Santiago
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