Artigo - Atena Editora


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of the article was to analyze the access to biopsies in Brazil through research carried out in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul in the year 2022. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative, observational study, with exploratory research in order to understand the flow of access to biopsies biopsy procedures in the Unified Health System in Pelotas. Information was collected through interviews with workers at the Pelotas Municipal Health Department, Health Units and specialized outpatient clinics, in addition to direct observation of the process in the capacity of the authors as medical students. RESULTS: Data obtained show the flow of the biopsy procedure, which begins with the doctor's request at the health units and outpatient clinic, its processing followed by the evaluation of the request by a doctor in charge and entry into the queue to wait for hospital or outpatient availability to carrying out the procedure. A repressed demand of 150 biopsies was observed among all specialties, in addition to the 56 requests for biopsies that were rejected by the Health Department and are awaiting a new request by the doctor to be sent to the waiting list. DISCUSSION: Comparing the results obtained in the research of this article with the published bibliography, it was observed consonance of information with emphasis on the difficulty of accessing biopsies as a form of inefficiency of the health system. CONCLUSION: The analysis of the dimension of access to biopsies by the Unified Health System shows its process from its request to the means for its performance and the existing difficulties and limitations that delay the performance of this important procedure for the population.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593622321086

  • Palavras-chave: Access-to-biopsies; Health-administration; Health Unic System.

  • Keywords: Access-to-biopsies; Health-administration; Health Unic System.

  • Abstract:

    OBJECTIVES: The objective of the article was to analyze the access to biopsies in Brazil through research carried out in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul in the year 2022. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative, observational study, with exploratory research in order to understand the flow of access to biopsies biopsy procedures in the Unified Health System in Pelotas. Information was collected through interviews with workers at the Pelotas Municipal Health Department, Health Units and specialized outpatient clinics, in addition to direct observation of the process in the capacity of the authors as medical students. RESULTS: Data obtained show the flow of the biopsy procedure, which begins with the doctor's request at the health units and outpatient clinic, its processing followed by the evaluation of the request by a doctor in charge and entry into the queue to wait for hospital or outpatient availability to carrying out the procedure. A repressed demand of 150 biopsies was observed among all specialties, in addition to the 56 requests for biopsies that were rejected by the Health Department and are awaiting a new request by the doctor to be sent to the waiting list. DISCUSSION: Comparing the results obtained in the research of this article with the published bibliography, it was observed consonance of information with emphasis on the difficulty of accessing biopsies as a form of inefficiency of the health system. CONCLUSION: The analysis of the dimension of access to biopsies by the Unified Health System shows its process from its request to the means for its performance and the existing difficulties and limitations that delay the performance of this important procedure for the population.

  • Maria Michelle Ferreira Rodrigues
  • Giorgia Labatut
  • Jaqueline Yonara da Silva Galhardo
  • Katarina Bender Boteselle
  • Shiren Fathi Yusef Bakri
  • Lia Caroline Araújo Robaina
  • Pietra de Matos Freitas
  • Manuela Trindade da Silva
  • Nicolly Ascenço
  • Letícia Oliveira de Menezes
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