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Vegetation and diffuse permeability as a solution to urban drainage in the city of Belo Horizonte

The recurrent episodes of floods and inundations and the analysis of the history of legislation and drainage projects in the city of Belo Horizonte allow us to visualize the limits of public action in relation to the theme. They reveal the urgency of rethinking what has been practiced and what can still be done to increase the infiltration capacity and water retention in the soil. Minimizing floods and their impacts has been one of the main objects of public concern, but in addition to this, allowing the waters to penetrate the soil is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of the hydrological cycle and the water table levels. Alternatives to the drainage issue have been sought on public ground from the construction of detention basins and the implementation of rain gardens on sidewalks. The present case study, in turn, intends to evaluate the possibilities and effectiveness of extending microdrainage strategies, with solutions contained within the internal limits of the lot. To this end, we evaluate not only the rates, but the permeability capacity of soils, emphasizing characteristics that define their storage capacity, such as composition, occupation and, not least, the presence and size of vegetation. It is concluded that such characteristics can serve as a basis for formulating policies to encourage the expansion and maintenance of permeable and vegetated soil within the lot, such as the IPTU Verde and the granting of Non-Onerous Grant.

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Vegetation and diffuse permeability as a solution to urban drainage in the city of Belo Horizonte

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.216382327044

  • Palavras-chave: Drainage. Vegetation. Infiltration.

  • Keywords: Drainage. Vegetation. Infiltration.

  • Abstract:

    The recurrent episodes of floods and inundations and the analysis of the history of legislation and drainage projects in the city of Belo Horizonte allow us to visualize the limits of public action in relation to the theme. They reveal the urgency of rethinking what has been practiced and what can still be done to increase the infiltration capacity and water retention in the soil. Minimizing floods and their impacts has been one of the main objects of public concern, but in addition to this, allowing the waters to penetrate the soil is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of the hydrological cycle and the water table levels. Alternatives to the drainage issue have been sought on public ground from the construction of detention basins and the implementation of rain gardens on sidewalks. The present case study, in turn, intends to evaluate the possibilities and effectiveness of extending microdrainage strategies, with solutions contained within the internal limits of the lot. To this end, we evaluate not only the rates, but the permeability capacity of soils, emphasizing characteristics that define their storage capacity, such as composition, occupation and, not least, the presence and size of vegetation. It is concluded that such characteristics can serve as a basis for formulating policies to encourage the expansion and maintenance of permeable and vegetated soil within the lot, such as the IPTU Verde and the granting of Non-Onerous Grant.

  • Carla Taina Deltreggia
  • Gisela Barcellos de Souza
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