The reality of domestic violence against children or adolescents in Brazil
This study aims to highlight violence against children and adolescents as a contemporary and palpable concern in Brazil, a topic of global relevance. In addition to a descriptive analysis of this category of domestic violence, the multilevel logistic model, also referred to as a hierarchical model, was used to predict the probability of occurrence of domestic violence against minors in different Brazilian states, as well as to identify patterns of types of violence that have been reported. It was revealed that a significant number of complaints are made by the aggressors themselves, as well as by the affected children or adolescents. It was possible to identify the ethnicities that most report this type of violence and the gender that suffers most from such acts. Furthermore, the prevalent types of domestic violence were categorized. These findings are fundamental for the formulation of strategic interventions and public policies aimed at the effective protection of young people.
The reality of domestic violence against children or adolescents in Brazil
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163322322112
Palavras-chave: Domestic violence, Child, Adolescent, Brazil, Multilevel logistic model, Descriptive analysis.
Keywords: Domestic violence, Child, Adolescent, Brazil, Multilevel logistic model, Descriptive analysis.
This study aims to highlight violence against children and adolescents as a contemporary and palpable concern in Brazil, a topic of global relevance. In addition to a descriptive analysis of this category of domestic violence, the multilevel logistic model, also referred to as a hierarchical model, was used to predict the probability of occurrence of domestic violence against minors in different Brazilian states, as well as to identify patterns of types of violence that have been reported. It was revealed that a significant number of complaints are made by the aggressors themselves, as well as by the affected children or adolescents. It was possible to identify the ethnicities that most report this type of violence and the gender that suffers most from such acts. Furthermore, the prevalent types of domestic violence were categorized. These findings are fundamental for the formulation of strategic interventions and public policies aimed at the effective protection of young people.
- Alexandre Prado da Gama-Rosa Cardoso
- José Erasmo Silva