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The perception of women who suffered gestational violence: a systematic review of the last 5 years

This article analyzes the perception of women during the pregnancy period in relation to childbirth care. This is a quantitative study, which used the systematic review as a methodology. Thirty articles were selected and studied in detail in order to provide a better understanding of the parturient's view and the impact of obstetric violence on her. As a result, we found that part of the puerperal women who suffered obstetric violence do not recognize the term, however, they identify the acts of violence; some recognize the term and know how to precisely identify the acts that made them victims and others recognize the term, identify the acts and consider them natural.

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The perception of women who suffered gestational violence: a systematic review of the last 5 years

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15926222131010

  • Palavras-chave: Obstetric violence; Woman's perception; Women; puerperal women; childbirth.

  • Keywords: Obstetric violence; Woman's perception; Women; puerperal women; childbirth.

  • Abstract:

    This article analyzes the perception of women during the pregnancy period in relation to childbirth care. This is a quantitative study, which used the systematic review as a methodology. Thirty articles were selected and studied in detail in order to provide a better understanding of the parturient's view and the impact of obstetric violence on her. As a result, we found that part of the puerperal women who suffered obstetric violence do not recognize the term, however, they identify the acts of violence; some recognize the term and know how to precisely identify the acts that made them victims and others recognize the term, identify the acts and consider them natural.

  • Danyelle Ribeiro da Costa Rodrigues
  • Isabella Alves Cruz Costa
  • Jasmim Porciuncula gomes
  • Letícia Loss de Oliveira
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