This study aimed to describe the role of educational guidance in the school environment. The methodology used was the explanatory research, having as data collection the bibliographic survey. The educational advisor can interact in the evaluation procedures, help teachers and students in the teaching-learning process, collaborating to effect meaningful learning. The existence of the educational advisor in the school environment and its activities follow regulations and undergo remodeling according to the states, as the states have different cultural characteristics. Educational Guidance aims at the necessary means for the school to fulfill its objectives, focusing on its political-pedagogical project. It is also appropriate, through educational guidance, to help teachers with students' learning difficulties when there is a need for intervention and help. The educational advisor discusses with the teachers innovative evaluation proposals according to the school planning. The actions used to minimize the difficulties of the students have to be created in partnership with the school team, adding the work of the educational advisor and teacher. The most relevant conclusions are that the educational advisor is important in the educational field, because his/her performance is related to the development of a meaningful learning, the same looks after the education of the student.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582332218108
Palavras-chave: School scope. Educational orientation. Learning.
Keywords: School scope. Educational orientation. Learning.
This study aimed to describe the role of educational guidance in the school environment. The methodology used was the explanatory research, having as data collection the bibliographic survey. The educational advisor can interact in the evaluation procedures, help teachers and students in the teaching-learning process, collaborating to effect meaningful learning. The existence of the educational advisor in the school environment and its activities follow regulations and undergo remodeling according to the states, as the states have different cultural characteristics. Educational Guidance aims at the necessary means for the school to fulfill its objectives, focusing on its political-pedagogical project. It is also appropriate, through educational guidance, to help teachers with students' learning difficulties when there is a need for intervention and help. The educational advisor discusses with the teachers innovative evaluation proposals according to the school planning. The actions used to minimize the difficulties of the students have to be created in partnership with the school team, adding the work of the educational advisor and teacher. The most relevant conclusions are that the educational advisor is important in the educational field, because his/her performance is related to the development of a meaningful learning, the same looks after the education of the student.
- Ingrid Gomes Carlos
- Elaine Santana de Souza
- Alex Bitencourt da Silva
- Erenilda dos Santos Carlos Gomes
- Pâmella Carlos Gomes
- Jonatas Campos Sarlo