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Late modernity is related to some significant changes within societies. In this sense, we realize that even with technological advances we need each other, there is a mutual relationship between me and the other. In postmodern societies, new identities are being (re)constructed with increasing frequency. Therefore, in view of this reality, we have as a motto for the present work to analyze the speeches of two beer market advertisements that point to women as marketing products. Our objective here is to analyze these social practices following some methodological and epistemological notes, specifically, critical discourse analysis. In order to have an effective change in some aspects of societies, the process is slow, given that it is first necessary to change the discourse in order to have a change that is really effective in social practice. This means that to observe the language phenomenon it is extremely necessary to have a sphere of social relations in an organized way. Here, what interests us is to discuss how women are presented in advertising ads on screen. Therefore, the present study is based on the theoretical propositions arising from the ADC and on some notes of pragmatics and its interfaces. This time, we will describe, interpret and analyze these media discourses establishing a reflection on how these notions thought by these authors work in propagandistic discourses. Furthermore, we will bring to the analysis some theoretical notions of the philosophy of language, defended by the Bakhtinian Circle, specifically, the concept of ideological sign transcribed from “Marxism and Philosophy of Language” (1999). By way of conclusion, we will present that these analyzes contribute a lot to the development of (re)constructions of theories in evidence as well as to the study of postmodern societies.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929282228112

  • Palavras-chave: Discourse and media. Beer advertisement. Social practice.

  • Keywords: Discourse and media. Beer advertisement. Social practice.

  • Abstract:

    Late modernity is related to some significant changes within societies. In this sense, we realize that even with technological advances we need each other, there is a mutual relationship between me and the other. In postmodern societies, new identities are being (re)constructed with increasing frequency. Therefore, in view of this reality, we have as a motto for the present work to analyze the speeches of two beer market advertisements that point to women as marketing products. Our objective here is to analyze these social practices following some methodological and epistemological notes, specifically, critical discourse analysis. In order to have an effective change in some aspects of societies, the process is slow, given that it is first necessary to change the discourse in order to have a change that is really effective in social practice. This means that to observe the language phenomenon it is extremely necessary to have a sphere of social relations in an organized way. Here, what interests us is to discuss how women are presented in advertising ads on screen. Therefore, the present study is based on the theoretical propositions arising from the ADC and on some notes of pragmatics and its interfaces. This time, we will describe, interpret and analyze these media discourses establishing a reflection on how these notions thought by these authors work in propagandistic discourses. Furthermore, we will bring to the analysis some theoretical notions of the philosophy of language, defended by the Bakhtinian Circle, specifically, the concept of ideological sign transcribed from “Marxism and Philosophy of Language” (1999). By way of conclusion, we will present that these analyzes contribute a lot to the development of (re)constructions of theories in evidence as well as to the study of postmodern societies.

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