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The motivation of teachers of early childhood education in a school of Porto Alegre/RS

The present study was carried out in the context of the internship discipline in early childhood education. As a result of the experience of the author of the study in this environment, it was possible to observe a harmonious interaction between the teachers who work in this school during the activities. One of the possible reasons for this relationship between teachers is motivation. This way, we sought to verify the level of motivation of the teachers of this school and to evaluate the correlation between self-determined motivation and their daily practice. For this, the Teacher Motivation Scale (EMD) was applied to 4 teachers who work with early childhood education in this school, this way it was possible to verify a motivated faculty in all dimensions of the EMD. Considering that the instrument is answered with a Likert scale from 1 to 5 (1 lower applicability and 5 greater applicability) with averages of 4.21 for Performance, 4.79 for Institutional Insertion, 4.25 for Continuing Education, 4.67 Development and 4.50 Teaching Practice. Despite the satisfactory results for motivation, it was possible to identify some individual deficiencies. In this sense, the results of the study confirm the importance of motivation for a qualification of work in the classroom. 

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The motivation of teachers of early childhood education in a school of Porto Alegre/RS

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583282307081

  • Palavras-chave: Self-determined motivation. Teacher Motivation Scale. Teacher motivation. Faculty.

  • Keywords: Self-determined motivation. Teacher Motivation Scale. Teacher motivation. Faculty.

  • Abstract:

    The present study was carried out in the context of the internship discipline in early childhood education. As a result of the experience of the author of the study in this environment, it was possible to observe a harmonious interaction between the teachers who work in this school during the activities. One of the possible reasons for this relationship between teachers is motivation. This way, we sought to verify the level of motivation of the teachers of this school and to evaluate the correlation between self-determined motivation and their daily practice. For this, the Teacher Motivation Scale (EMD) was applied to 4 teachers who work with early childhood education in this school, this way it was possible to verify a motivated faculty in all dimensions of the EMD. Considering that the instrument is answered with a Likert scale from 1 to 5 (1 lower applicability and 5 greater applicability) with averages of 4.21 for Performance, 4.79 for Institutional Insertion, 4.25 for Continuing Education, 4.67 Development and 4.50 Teaching Practice. Despite the satisfactory results for motivation, it was possible to identify some individual deficiencies. In this sense, the results of the study confirm the importance of motivation for a qualification of work in the classroom. 

  • Tiago Machado da Costa
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