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Introduction: The medicalization process is difficult for society to understand. Objective: with the aim of understanding the perception of Brazilian researchers in relation to the phenomenon of medicalization of society, this study was carried out based on the analysis of the scientific production of the last ten years on this subject. Methods: This is an integrative review, in the Scielo, Bireme, Pubmed and Google Scholar databases using “medicalization” or “medicalization of society” as descriptors. From this search, 37 articles were found. Results: The search in the databases and analysis of the articles was carried out from November 2018 to January 2019. From this analysis of the 37 articles obtained, the sample was composed of 27 articles after the delimitation determined by the inclusion criteria and exclusion of articles and removal of articles obtained repeatedly from more than one database. Discussion: Data were subdivided into subtopics for better understanding. Medicalization as a strategy for pain, medicalization and sexuality, medicalization and the health and disease process. Conclusion: From the analysis of the articles, it was observed that although medicalization has its origin in the seventeenth century, it is a phenomenon that affects contemporary society and is still insufficiently addressed by researchers.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592792210121

  • Palavras-chave: Medicalization; Science, Technology and Society; Social behavior.

  • Keywords: Medicalization; Science, Technology and Society; Social behavior.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: The medicalization process is difficult for society to understand. Objective: with the aim of understanding the perception of Brazilian researchers in relation to the phenomenon of medicalization of society, this study was carried out based on the analysis of the scientific production of the last ten years on this subject. Methods: This is an integrative review, in the Scielo, Bireme, Pubmed and Google Scholar databases using “medicalization” or “medicalization of society” as descriptors. From this search, 37 articles were found. Results: The search in the databases and analysis of the articles was carried out from November 2018 to January 2019. From this analysis of the 37 articles obtained, the sample was composed of 27 articles after the delimitation determined by the inclusion criteria and exclusion of articles and removal of articles obtained repeatedly from more than one database. Discussion: Data were subdivided into subtopics for better understanding. Medicalization as a strategy for pain, medicalization and sexuality, medicalization and the health and disease process. Conclusion: From the analysis of the articles, it was observed that although medicalization has its origin in the seventeenth century, it is a phenomenon that affects contemporary society and is still insufficiently addressed by researchers.

  • Andrezza Tayonara Lins Melo
  • Livia Maria Lima Barbosa
  • Thaynã Nhaara Oliveira Damasceno
  • Katarine Florêncio de Medeiros
  • Joice Luiza Alves Cândido
  • Ilana Deyse Rocha Leite
  • Sâmara Dalliana de Oliveira Lopes Barros
  • Sandra Ávila Cavalcante
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