Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease responsible for affecting about 100 endemic countries. Furthermore, it is a disease associated with poverty and the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) characterizes it as a highly neglected tropical disease. Its most common presentation is visceral leishmaniasis (VL). In Latin America, Brazil concentrates more than 99% of cases. Goal: To understand the territorial epidemiological distribution of cases of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil, as well as the most affected populations. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study, whose data were collected by the DataSUS platform. The collection started from the Hospital Information System (SIH), through hospital morbidity data by place of residence between January 2007 and December 2021. Results and Discussion: The Northeast is the most affected Region, accumulating more than half of the cases in the country. Only three states in Brazil (Maranhão, Minhas Gerais and Ceará) account for almost 40% of cases of the disease. Among the 10 states with the highest number of cases, seven are in the North and Northeast regions, the poorest regions of the country, corroborating the fact that it is an associated disease and poverty. Furthermore, if the public without racial information is disregarded, 83.36% of those affected are black and brown. Conclusion:VL remains a neglected disease, affecting the most vulnerable population in the country and with a series of challenges: few therapeutic options, suboptimal diagnoses and little access to information about the disease in the community.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593723210110

  • Palavras-chave: Leishmaniasis; Visceral leishmaniasis; Neglected diseases.

  • Keywords: Leishmaniasis; Visceral leishmaniasis; Neglected diseases.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease responsible for affecting about 100 endemic countries. Furthermore, it is a disease associated with poverty and the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) characterizes it as a highly neglected tropical disease. Its most common presentation is visceral leishmaniasis (VL). In Latin America, Brazil concentrates more than 99% of cases. Goal: To understand the territorial epidemiological distribution of cases of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil, as well as the most affected populations. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study, whose data were collected by the DataSUS platform. The collection started from the Hospital Information System (SIH), through hospital morbidity data by place of residence between January 2007 and December 2021. Results and Discussion: The Northeast is the most affected Region, accumulating more than half of the cases in the country. Only three states in Brazil (Maranhão, Minhas Gerais and Ceará) account for almost 40% of cases of the disease. Among the 10 states with the highest number of cases, seven are in the North and Northeast regions, the poorest regions of the country, corroborating the fact that it is an associated disease and poverty. Furthermore, if the public without racial information is disregarded, 83.36% of those affected are black and brown. Conclusion:VL remains a neglected disease, affecting the most vulnerable population in the country and with a series of challenges: few therapeutic options, suboptimal diagnoses and little access to information about the disease in the community.

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