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The importance of the Price Registration System in the planning of public contracts

The Price Registration System (SRP), regulated by Decree Number 7,892, of January 23, 2013, is a procurement system in the public sector, which consists of a set of procedures for formally registering product prices, or provision of services, for future contracts. The amount to be charged for the product or service is fixed in a Price Registration Minute (ARP), which comes from the referred system. The ARP constitutes the commitment established between the suppliers, the agencies and the acquisition conditions, that is, the suppliers agree to provide the public sector with a previously established quantity and the unchanged price, for a previously determined period. The main specificity of the aforementioned system is that the public agency is not obliged to carry out the acquisition, resulting in a large list of products and suppliers, selected through a bidding process. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the system under study, to make the most of its applicability and advantages.

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The importance of the Price Registration System in the planning of public contracts

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.216312301017

  • Palavras-chave: Price registration system. Bids. Public procurement.

  • Keywords: Price registration system. Bids. Public procurement.

  • Abstract:

    The Price Registration System (SRP), regulated by Decree Number 7,892, of January 23, 2013, is a procurement system in the public sector, which consists of a set of procedures for formally registering product prices, or provision of services, for future contracts. The amount to be charged for the product or service is fixed in a Price Registration Minute (ARP), which comes from the referred system. The ARP constitutes the commitment established between the suppliers, the agencies and the acquisition conditions, that is, the suppliers agree to provide the public sector with a previously established quantity and the unchanged price, for a previously determined period. The main specificity of the aforementioned system is that the public agency is not obliged to carry out the acquisition, resulting in a large list of products and suppliers, selected through a bidding process. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the system under study, to make the most of its applicability and advantages.

  • Augusto Cury Braff
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