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The importance of biomass as an energy source in rural development in Angola

The purpose of this presentation is related to the analysis of the existing biomass potential in rural regions in Angola, in its waste in the most different aspects, and in the possibility of its use for energy production in the most diverse ways. The anarchic fires that have been observed throughout the national territory, reflecting a serious aggression to biodiversity and with an evident waste of energy, which could eventually be used for the development of the rural environment, also deserved an analysis and reflection within the scope of this job.Regardless of the fact that biomass is one of the oldest energy sources in the world and that arises with the discovery of fire, the reality in Angola has shown an almost non-use of this important energy source, mainly due to the lack of knowledge of this energy potential, among rural communities.. The almost inexistence of access to electricity in rural areas in Angola, associated with the level of poverty of rural inhabitants, compared to what happens in urban areas in general, makes in some cases they resort to energy sources from fossil fuels, with the inconvenience of their cost, and with the negative consequences they cause to the environment, with the emission of gases causing the greenhouse effect, contributing to climate change on a global scale, and with dramatic consequences that affect humanity in general. The lack of treatment of animal excrement, which exposed to the open air also causes the release of harmful gases to the environment, and providing risks to public health, inconveniences that could be minimized with the proper use of biodigesters, with relatively affordable costs and using combustible gases and biofertilizers to enrich agricultural soils. The rational use of biomass, in its most different forms, and in this case in particular from animal excrement, presents itself as an important energy alternative, for sustainability in rural areas, and in a global perspective. The absence of electricity in rural areas makes the growth of micro-industry difficult, especially with regard to the milling of grains, to obtain flour that constitutes the food base of most rural inhabitants, as well as the conservation of agricultural and other products. In the same way, the illiteracy observed there could be minimized with access to lighting and sources of information and education remotely, which the lack of access to electricity does not allow. In this presentation, we intend to reflect on the importance of this energy source, based on quantitative data applied to some particular examples, in order to alert and encourage the search for policies that allow the dissemination and implementation of energy generators based on biodigesters, using biomass as fuel, and in the production of biofertilizers for soil empowerment,

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The importance of biomass as an energy source in rural development in Angola

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3172212216096

  • Palavras-chave: Biomass, energy, renewable, biodigester, development, rural.

  • Keywords: Biomass, energy, renewable, biodigester, development, rural.

  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this presentation is related to the analysis of the existing biomass potential in rural regions in Angola, in its waste in the most different aspects, and in the possibility of its use for energy production in the most diverse ways. The anarchic fires that have been observed throughout the national territory, reflecting a serious aggression to biodiversity and with an evident waste of energy, which could eventually be used for the development of the rural environment, also deserved an analysis and reflection within the scope of this job.Regardless of the fact that biomass is one of the oldest energy sources in the world and that arises with the discovery of fire, the reality in Angola has shown an almost non-use of this important energy source, mainly due to the lack of knowledge of this energy potential, among rural communities.. The almost inexistence of access to electricity in rural areas in Angola, associated with the level of poverty of rural inhabitants, compared to what happens in urban areas in general, makes in some cases they resort to energy sources from fossil fuels, with the inconvenience of their cost, and with the negative consequences they cause to the environment, with the emission of gases causing the greenhouse effect, contributing to climate change on a global scale, and with dramatic consequences that affect humanity in general. The lack of treatment of animal excrement, which exposed to the open air also causes the release of harmful gases to the environment, and providing risks to public health, inconveniences that could be minimized with the proper use of biodigesters, with relatively affordable costs and using combustible gases and biofertilizers to enrich agricultural soils. The rational use of biomass, in its most different forms, and in this case in particular from animal excrement, presents itself as an important energy alternative, for sustainability in rural areas, and in a global perspective. The absence of electricity in rural areas makes the growth of micro-industry difficult, especially with regard to the milling of grains, to obtain flour that constitutes the food base of most rural inhabitants, as well as the conservation of agricultural and other products. In the same way, the illiteracy observed there could be minimized with access to lighting and sources of information and education remotely, which the lack of access to electricity does not allow. In this presentation, we intend to reflect on the importance of this energy source, based on quantitative data applied to some particular examples, in order to alert and encourage the search for policies that allow the dissemination and implementation of energy generators based on biodigesters, using biomass as fuel, and in the production of biofertilizers for soil empowerment,

  • José Carlos Lopes
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