Artigo - Atena Editora


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In 1975, an exhibition of young photographers unleashed a revolution in the landscape photography genre in the United States, whose public then became interested in industrial kitsch and automobile-oriented urbanization – which it organized from residential suburbs to Las Vegas casinos. To capture this panorama of banality and endless sameness, those young people developed frames and depth of field of maximum objectivity. Over the following decades, that sensibility crossed North American borders to move from capturing modern bad taste to objective images of the global panorama of nature altered by human activity.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929272226106

  • Palavras-chave: Landscape photography. Photography aesthetics. Contemporary plastic arts. Environmental issue.

  • Keywords: Landscape photography. Photography aesthetics. Contemporary plastic arts. Environmental issue.

  • Abstract:

    In 1975, an exhibition of young photographers unleashed a revolution in the landscape photography genre in the United States, whose public then became interested in industrial kitsch and automobile-oriented urbanization – which it organized from residential suburbs to Las Vegas casinos. To capture this panorama of banality and endless sameness, those young people developed frames and depth of field of maximum objectivity. Over the following decades, that sensibility crossed North American borders to move from capturing modern bad taste to objective images of the global panorama of nature altered by human activity.

  • Marcos Faccioli Gabriel
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